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Pokémon Fire Black

Will you follow in the footsteps of the Dracologists? Will you uncover the Team Rocket conspiracy? Will you make the right choices?
List of modifications:
-Graphical changes have been applied to maps, battle screens, and menus.
-Nearly all sprites have been redesigned in the DS style.
-Battle backgrounds have been modified.
-The Pokémon stats screen has been improved.
-An alternate storyline is offered.
-An alternate Kanto region with new maps, NPCs, and events is available.
-Trainers and Gym Leaders have all been reworked and are stronger.
-A new Pokémon League is introduced.
-TMs are unlimited.
-Some moves have been altered, and others have been added.
-Your active Pokémon gains XP when you capture a Pokémon.
-Shops have been modified.
-It is possible to run inside buildings.
-The starters are different. (You will choose between Larvitar, Bagon, and Slakoth)
-The physical and special move split is implemented, and the Fairy type has been added.
-The shiny encounter rate is now 1/1365.
-The National Dex is available from the beginning.
-Pokémon from the first three generations are available, and their locations have been redesigned. (A few Hoenn Pokémon have been removed.)
-Some 4th gen Pokémon are available (Mainly evolutions of older Pokémon), and around ten unique Pokémon and Fakemon have been added.
-Many Pokémon have undergone special modifications* (Pokédex:
* A secondary type is added. (e.g., Blastoise is Water/Steel, Noctowl is Flying/Psychic, Glalie is Ice/Ghost...)
* Stats have been slightly altered. (e.g., Rapidash, Golduck, and others were considered too weak and are now more powerful...)
* The way Pokémon evolve has changed. (e.g., Pokémon that evolve through trading now evolve by level, and some evolutions are different...)
* The moves learned by leveling up and TM access have been modified.
Further information :
Pokédex featuring the properties of Pokémon from Fire Black:
Patch Notes Version V1.3:
- Addition of the Split (Moves and types now work like in Gen 4)
- Your active Pokémon now gains XP when you capture a Pokémon
- Update of all sprites in DS style
- Addition of 9 new moves to take advantage of the Split
- Addition of 6 Pokémon: Mamoswine, Roserade, and 4 others (Secret evolutions of existing Pokémon)
- Revision of all Pokémon and trainers to align with the new changes
- Additions and modifications of NPCs (including "small quests") related to the new Pokémon
- Addition of a Move Tutor in every Pokémon Center and mushrooms added to Kanto
- Changes in some wild Pokémon locations and certain in-game trades
- Removal of certain moves (deemed obsolete by the team) and some Pokémon (Clamperl, Gorebyss, Huntail, Relicanth, Ledyba, and Ledian have been removed)
- Numerous fixes (The Saffron City center is now functional!)
- It’s normal to have lower levels than the Gym Leaders or some trainers. Trust yourself. The game is designed so that grinding isn’t necessary. However, you can use the Vs. Seeker to re-battle trainers if you need to train a Pokémon.
- Having trouble building your team? Explore thoroughly. The tall grass areas have interesting Pokémon right from the start of the game. Some just have low encounter rates.
- Traded Pokémon have good IVs and hold powerful items.
- Many mushrooms are hidden in the environment, allowing you to re-learn moves at the Pokémon Center.
- TMs are usable infinitely, but if you skip the teaching animation, a bug might sometimes make them disappear anyway. Don’t worry if that happens, all TMs can be repurchased at a certain point in the game.
- The map of the islands (the post-game area) doesn’t match the region. Yep! When I designed the islands, I thought I’d create the map later. Well, now it's later, and it’s not done because it’s difficult and tedious. Sorry.
- Sometimes the Pokémon Weavile may appear strangely on screen. Yes, because it replaced Spinda, which has randomly generated spots, apparently that’s its thing. And I didn’t know that (oh, the noob!).
And finally, what saddens me the most:
- The female playable character isn’t "canon". Indeed, a long time ago, when I first started tinkering with the game, I wrote the texts based on the male character. So today, to do it right, I’d have to rewrite everything. The female character is playable, but some NPCs will address her as if she were a boy. I know it might be annoying, so sorry for that.
- ptitjoturc, xerosnax, wolfgenesus and 20 others
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