Registration Terms
RomStation is a community site that allows users to upload, view, share and comment on different types of content. We want our community to develop in a serene framework and we ask you to read carefully and respect the following key points.
General rules:
- Racist, offensive, pornographic content or which can offend the sensitivity of the youngest, warez type links, as well as abusive advertisements (sites, blogs, sponsorship links ...) are prohibited.
- The flood and subjects whose sole objective is to encourage the generation of a maximum number of messages are also prohibited.
- Several forums are at your disposal to better stick to the topics you want to discuss. Therefore, be sure to avoid off-topic messages.
- You are prohibited from disclosing the private information of a user, only the person himself / herself has the right to do so. Usurpations of pseudonyms (clone or theft) are not tolerated either.
RomStation being moderated a posteriori, the moderators will erase without notice all contents that will violate this charter, or even ask for the temporary or definitive banishment of your pseudo according to the gravity of the case. If, however, you come across such content, you can report it by using the form dedicated to this use.
Warning points and penalties:
Warning points are distributed by moderators to members breaking the rules. The number of points given depends on the severity of the sanctioned behavior and the moderator's appreciation. The sum of the points accumulated by a member automatically determines the appropriate sanction for his faults according to the following scale.
- 1 point: verbal warning
- 2 points: banned for one hour
- 3 points: banned for one day
- 4 points: banned for one week
- 5 points: banned for one month
- 10 points: permanently banned
If the permanent ban is irrevocable, the warning points cancel each other 7 days after the award, but the sanction remains in force.
Practical advice:
- Use the Search function. Before posting a message, check first if you have not already answered your question on another topic, or if the topic has not already been addressed. You will find without difficulty (top right) a search engine that will facilitate your investigations.
- Avoid capital letters. Capital letters are considered a cry or a sign of nervousness. Even if you're thinking about making your message more visible, you're going to get upset and you're not going to encourage others to get involved.
- Avoid the SMS language. Try to formulate your messages in correct English so as to make you understand of the greatest number. Be aware that messages in SMS are likely to be badly received.
- Choosing the title of your topic. To get an effective and fast response to your questions, make it easy for other users. Think of writing a sufficiently explicit title and avoid formulas such as "help", "need help", "help", etc. An explicit title will allow people who can help you not to miss out on your topic.
- Well describe the problem. When asking for help, consider giving as much detail as possible to the correct understanding of your problem. People who read to you need clarification to help you.
- A little politeness in this world of bugs. If you want to encourage others to answer you, do not neglect formulas of courtesies. A simple "hello", "please" ("please" for the lazy) and a "thank you" once the help received, costs nothing and instead will encourage others to respond. The atmosphere will be more pleasant.
- In all situations, keep your calm. During a discussion, try not to get carried away and do not try to provoke. Be constructive and be content to criticize arguments rather than attacking the person.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of all the features available on the site. Put online, share and exchange with other users who share your interests!
Welcome to RomStation.