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Pokémon Emerald Rogue

How does it work?
When you go on an adventure all routes, encounters and items will be procedurally chosen based on your progress into a run
After a certain number of routes you will encounter a random gym leader who will have a procedurally chosen team of their assigned type; as you progress further into a run gym leaders and other trainers will start using more difficult setups for their pokemon.
If you can make it all the way to the champion and defeat them, then you will have completed the run!
Once you complete or wipe out of a run you will go back to a hub area where you can buy permanent items and catch new "starter" Pokemon to use in the next run
As you progress further into the run, you will unlock more buildings/NPCs in this hub area to use for preparing the next run
How long does a run take?
It can vary based on how thorough you are being, but a complete run usually takes between 3-4 hours of in game time.
The is a quick save options (REST in the menu) which lets you put the game down mid run and return however be warned this does not allow save scumming
★Randomly chosen routes
★Procedural items, trainers & wild encounters
★Hub area with unlockable buildings/NPCs
★Character customisation
★Multiple game config settings e.g. prevent over levelling, trainer difficulty, double battle mode
★Seeded mode, with individual config settings (useful for multiplayer races)
★Quest & reward system to guide you and see how you handle different challenges
★Rare legendary encounters
★Mart and Move tutor contents change as you progress
★Safari zone allows you to capture mons you have previously used on runs and use them as the "starter" mon
★Post-game settings (Can be accessed early if you can find the secret room)
[Subtle Changes from base game]
★Pickup/interaction text is instance i.e. you can just spam A rather than wait out the fanfare
★Trade evolutions now just require the mon to be levelled up whilst holding the item (Link cable is used for standard trade evos)
★Friendship/Beauty evos are now just flat level 20 evos
★Battle engine has been sped up (Speed varys based on the importance of the encounter)
★Shiny rate has been drastically increased (Now is ~1/100)
Further information :
[v2.0.1a Patch Notes]-Various bug fixes and improvements including map soft lock fixes, party menu color adjustments for readability, corrected Trainer Pokémon IVs, added explanations for Catching Contest spawns and Honey Tree mechanics, and addressed various gameplay issues across contests, Safari, and battles.
[v2.0 Patch Notes]
Generation 9 is now in Rogue! 🥳
-All Pokémon from Scarlet & Violet, including DLCs, are included.
-Some moves are still missing.
-Revival Blessing is not available for any Pokémon.
New Battle Gimmicks ⚔
-Tera and Dynamax in Rogue: Available after 1st Run or via secret method.
-Random Selection: Using both Key Items together activates one gimmick randomly.
-Tera Orb: Recharges with each encounter, 1 charge per route.
Updated Trainers 🤺
-All Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champions from all 9 generations are included.
-Gym Trainers can now have Shiny Pokémon.
-Each Trainer has one Evolution line that can appear shiny with a 20% chance.
-Rival Trainers will appear in Adventures.
-Improved Trainer Team generator for more viable and varied teams.
Multiplayer 💻
-Connect to a friend’s game to visit their Hub, trade Pokémon, and go on Adventures.
-Uses the RogueAssistant app with mGBA.
-Early stages: multi battles not yet supported (planned for future updates).
Offline Pokémon Box Extension 💾
-Access a Pokémon Home-style Offline Box Storage using the Companion App for ample storage space. Additionally, there's an unnamed hub upgrade for those without the app. This aims to address previous storage limitations.
Reworked Pokémon 🐁
-Following and Overworld Spawn: Pokémon now follow the player and spawn in the overworld. Option to revert to grass encounters available.
-Infinite Use Held Items: Held items are infinite use, except for berries, which auto re-equip if available.
-Legendary Encounters: No trainers guarding legendaries. They enter an enraged state and must be knocked to 1 HP before capture.
-Updated Learnsets: Learnsets based on recent appearances, with some older moves included. Toxic and Scald are excluded.
-Unified Tutors: All tutors merged into one, with each move having a specific cost.
-Infinite TMs and New TRs: TMs are infinite with modern moves. TRs are selected randomly at the start of an adventure from the tutor move pool.
Updated Difficulty 🧗♂️
-Config Lab is now a UI screen with difficulty presets.
-Reworked Easy mode for new players and added Brutal mode for extreme challenge.
-Removed redundant options and added new ones like Diverse Trainer Pokémon, Release Fainted Pokémon, Affection, Switch Mode, and Fresh Start.
New/Reworked Encounters 🌲
-Routes now ensure at least one type hint Pokémon and have a visual tint.
-Sinnoh routes added, trainers placed more variably, strong trainers removed.
-Added Battle Simulator, Honey Tree, Game Show rework, Dark Deal descriptions, Mysterious Shrine, Catching Contest, Mysterious Sign, DayCare Rest Stop, and Team Hideouts.
-Legendaries limited per Adventure with structured appearances.
Updated Hub 🏠
-Choose Hub name, build or upgrade at will using currency from Quests.
-Multiple new buildings/NPCs for customization.
Quest Rework 📔
-Quests split into Main and Challenges.
-A “Final Quest” added, Challenge Quests track difficulty completion and offer additional rewards.
Visuals 🌦
-Time of Day and Seasons visible in overworld, optional in settings.
-Improved Battle UI based on Platinum’s UI.
Improved QoL 🌟
-Streamlined processes, Pokédex contains all mon info, instant item pickups, and more customizable nicknaming.
-Evolution methods simplified, 4 Key Items can be registered, move type effectiveness shown in battle, and new battle speed settings.
Safari Rework 🌴
-Safari shows baby versions of previously used/caught Pokémon.
-Recatch Pokémon for future runs; Pokémon may disappear if left too long.
Candy Rework 🍬
-Rare Candies no longer given in Hub/Quests, partner Pokémon gain levels based on badges.
-Partner Pokémon reset to level 10 at the start of each Adventure.
Bag Rework 👜
-Bag has more item slots, shared between multiple pockets.
-Bag upgrades in the Hub, auto-sorts items, shop inventories sorted.
Pokeblock 🍯
-Created in Hub or Daycare Rest Stop, reroll encounters, attract specific Pokémon at Honey Tree.
-Used in the Bakery to increase IVs.
Shiny Pokemon ✨
-Shiny state determined in overworld, increased odds for dynamic encounters.
-Possible to chain hunt and boost shiny odds with “Shiny Pokéblock.”
Player Customisation 👕
-Added outfits for all Mainline Protags, improved outfit customization with manual color adjustments.
Sound 🎵
-New Gen 4 music tracks, improved audio quality, audio sliders added.
Misc Points 📨
-New bike, wild encounter preview based on Pokédex, adjusted catching bonus, single water encounter by default.
-Removal of seeded mode, more Charms and Curses, and reworked Mystery Man modes.
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