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Shadow of Memories

Playstation 2 GermanEnglishSpanishFrenchItalian 7

Shadow of Memories

Genre : Adventure - Reflexion

Multiplayer : 1 player

Year : 2001

Developer : Konami

Publisher : Konami

By Anonymous0 :


4 /5

A young man named Eike Kusch strolls through the quiet patriarchal German town Lebensbaum. Suddenly, a tremendous blow darkens the sight of his eyes, and the next thing he can see is a very strange room filled with bizarre objects, and a voice talking to him from nowhere. A mysterious being known as Homunculus tells Eike that he has been stabbed to death. Homunculus gives Eike a time-travelling device and brings him back to life a short while before his murder took place. From that moment on, Eike's miraculously acquired second chance turns into a constant race against time, as he tries to escape from his destiny. In order to alter the course of events, preventing the unknown person from carrying out his murder, Eike will have to travel back in time as far as the 16th century, meeting people closely connected to his own existence and changing the fabric of reality.

Shadow of Memories (Shadow of Destiny in North America) is an adventure game. There are no action elements in the game, and the protagonist has no health bar. Each chapter has a time limit, during which Eike has to find a way to prevent the murderer from killing him. This is mainly achieved by traveling through time to different hours, days, years, and even centuries. Obtaining a crucial item, having a conversation with a specific character, or performing another action in the past will prevent Eike from getting killed. Time-traveling requires energy units, which can be found by exploring the town. If Eike fails to achieve the goal at hand within the allotted time and prevent his murder, the chapter must be restarted.

During the course of the game the player will have several choices and opportunities to change the future in various ways. Due to the time-traveling feature, many objectives can be accomplished in non-linear ways, branching the storyline and eventually resulting in eight different endings, six of which can be achieved during the first playthrough, and two others unlocked after having reached the other six.

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Alternative versions

    Shadow of Destiny English See
    Shadow of Memories Japanese See
    Shadow of Destiny English See

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Ce jeu est vraiment pas mal un t'en soit peu que l'on aime le genre, le jeu est intrigant et intéressant, au graphisme plutôt réussi, (pour de la Ps2) le jeu se termine malheureusement rapidement, son point fort est ses nombreuses fins à débloquer en fonction des actions ou des choix commis.

Mais qui dit points forts dit points faibles qui son les bruits de pas peu réussis et comme je l'ai dit précédemment la durée de vie très limitée.

La version PSP est vraiment pas mal n'on plus mais souffre des même défauts que la version Ps2.

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Ce jeu du line-up de la Playstation 2 m'a conquise. J'ai terminé tous les scénarii et obtenu la vraie fin. Malheureusement, le jeu ne m'a pas marqué. Je n'ai quasiment aucun souvenir du jeu, juste quelques brides. Je n'y ai même pas rejoué depuis 2001.

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Un super jeu qui m'a emballé sur Xbox à l'époque... je l'ai refais il y a deux ans et waaaa... Alors oui pour un jeu qui était prévu pour PlayStation avant de passer sur PlayStation 2, il est pas beau ni moche, juste... meh, mais en soi l'histoire est dingue, à savoir que c'est des dev qui sont derrière Silent Hill 2 qui ont développé ce petit Shadow of Memories, le personnage principal est un peu "oh mais qui pourrait me faire ça, OH ON ME TUE" mais typique des jeux de l'époque, il sait marqué par certains passages... Honnêtement, un REMAKE serait sympa, pas besoin de suite, juste un remake pis c'est bon 

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