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Barres noires verticales qui apparaissent en augmentant la résolution du jeu



Bonjour à tous je vous écris car j'ai un problème lorsque que j'augmente la résolution de certains jeux comme Tekken 4 ou le 5, des barres noires verticales apparaissent quand je passe de la résolution native classique de la PS2 à une résolution de 1080p. 


Si quelqu'un aurait une solution pour résoudre le problème je l'en remercie d'avance ! 

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3 réponses à cette question

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Yop, ce bug est répertorié sur le wiki de l'émulateur:


Thin black vertical lines

Status: Fixed

Type: Minor

Description: Vertical black lines appear when running the game in Hardwar mode with any higher than native resolution.

Workaround: Go to Config > Video (GS) > Plugin Settings, turn on "Enable HW Hacks", click Configure Hacks, and enable the 'Align Sprite' hack. For Custom Resolution use a 1260x(any) resolution. It's possible to subtract any multiple of 60 from 1260 (eg, 1200, 1140, 1080, etc) as needed for performance, but no horizontal resolution greater than 1260 works. Vertical resolution has no effect on the black bars, so this can be set to any desired value.



Vertical black lines

Status: Active

Type: Minor

Description: Vertical black lines appear when running the game in any resolution that's higher than native.

Workaround: Go to Config > Video (GS) > Plugin Settings, click "Enable HW Hacks", go to Configure Hacks, and enable the "Align Sprite" hack. Alternative solution for custom resolution: Use 1260x(any) resolution. You can subtract any multiple of 60 from 1260 (eg, 1200, 1140, 1080, etc) as needed for performance, but no horizontal resolution greater than 1260 works. Vertical resolution has no effect on the black bars, so you can set this to any value you desire.

Il faut donc contourner le bug grâce aux recommandations.

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