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Master System Fantrad French 1

Genre : Beat'em up

Multiplayer : 1 player

Year : 1988

Developer : Irem

Publisher : Sega

Weekly games : 1 Growing popularity

Par TompouceGabriel :


3 /5

Vigilante is a side-scrolling beat-em-up. It features an anonymous tough hero that roams the streets to beat up The Rogues gang that kidnapped his girlfriend Maria. The game offers five distinct locations, such as city streets and a junkyard, with many different thugs with different strengths. You fight with your fists, feet and a chain, with a regular stance, crouched and jumping attacks. Each level features an end boss which requires a specific tactic in order to progress. Enemies keep spawning continuously from the left and the right side of the screen until the boss is reached, so a steady pace forward is required to reach the end of the level before time runs out. When enemies come too close they will grab the character and quick presses left and right are need to set him free, as he is then vulnerable to incoming attacks.

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Commentaires recommandés

Un jeu très, très, très mal codé.
Le clipping est gigantesque, les ennemis normaux sont plus difficiles à gérer que les boss eux-même. Certains ennemis sont complétement overpowered and votre personnage à même du mal à se déplacer.
La musique est plutôt correcte. Ce jeu vaut largement un 7 ou 8 sur 20 et non un 14.
Durée de vie d'une 10ène de minutes, Continue infini (merci les dev d'avoir pensé au fait que les joueurs allaient se faire casser la gueule bien trop souvent pour limiter les continues!)

Je ne recommande pas.


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