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Mise à jour : 28-31
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1867


Merge: 72d54d3 e5e601e Merge pull request #1770 from np511/gcc-cleanup Cleanup GCC warnings - still needs some work
GSdx-PCRTC: Improve output circuit selection Previously, the auto output circuit selection of the GSdx wasn't good, it simply defaulted to the second output circuit even when the first output circuit is also enabled. The new algorithm for auto selecting returns the merged rectangle dimensions when both of the output circuits are enabled and if the condition for merge is not satisfied then it returns the bigger output circuit.
GSdx: Remove useless check and add debug messages IsEnabled() check is already done in GetDisplayRect, so it's pointless to do it here. Also updated a debug message in the GetFrameRect() function.
gsdx tc: extend the wrap option to the texture cache
gsdx: remove useless debug log
gsdx tc: use unsigned constant Help the compiler to generate better code C code: uint32 addr = (i >> 3u) % MAX_BLOCKS; uint32 row = addr >> 5u; uint32 col = 1 << (addr & 31u); ASM Before f48:mov eax,esi f4a:mov ecx,esi f4c:mov edx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8] f4f:sar eax,0x1f f52:sar ecx,0x3 f55:shr eax,0x12 f58:add ecx,eax f5a:and ecx,0x3fff f60:sub ecx,eax f62:mov eax,0x1 f67:shl eax,cl f69:shr ecx,0x5 f6c:lea edx,[edx+ecx*4] ASM After f48:mov ecx,edi f4a:mov eax,0x1 f4f:sar ecx,0x3 f52:shl eax,cl f54:shr ecx,0x3 f57:and ecx,0x7fc f5d:add ecx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
gsdx: use range loop instead of for_each

Plugins Manettes

PPSSPP 1.3 - 456

Follow the ARM64 ABI better (update the frame pointer).
Merge: 52a4467 2893121 Merge pull request #9244 from mrcmunir/mrcmunir-patch-1 Script mesa3d enable for HW Tesselation working
ABI: Switch to paired load/stores of floats too
Merge: 486f4c8 c4bac2d Merge pull request #9241 from hrydgard/arm64-abi Follow the ARM64 ABI better (update the frame pointer).
Only enable RAM Clears for the SOCOM games that require it. Should remove the performance impact of #8994 which is bigger than expected, it seems (cache pollution?)
Fix "Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi" umd switch Also,make "switch umd" menu enable faster,
Build fix for non-windows
Quick soft fadeout when menu background audio stops playing
Rename UMD_insterted to UMDInserted
Fix bug in ApplyClearToMemory if format is 16-bit and color not zero
Restores a lost optimization from uv prescale - avoiding flushing. Should fix #9219. Also #ifdef away some invalid-address checks in hot paths in the GPU.
Change to "schedule an event"
Add save status
Merge: b19c239 ab6bc4c Merge pull request #9246 from hrydgard/fix-texscale-perf Restores a lost optimization from uv prescale - avoiding flushing. Should fix #9219.
Minor cleanup in GPU dispatch tables
Build fix for non-windows First step to fix UnitTes
IndexGenerator microoptimization
SoftGPU: Fix vertex colors, prevent a crash. Helps #9247
Quickfix software rendering with the GL backend enabled. Will make a cleaner solution later. Fixes #9247
Merge: 363ba8d e0aaba5 Merge pull request #9136 from LunaMoo/ProjectionMatrixData Limit Projection Matrix Data count to <= 16
Update the shader cache version to avoid obsolete shaders sticking around. Should fix #9249.
Increase alt speed max% to 1000
Don't rely on gstate_c.spline or bezier during shader compile, as that doesn't work with the cache. Should fix #9249
Fix a bug in TextureUtil, may help #9248
Make the Dangan Ronpa hack use the compat system instead of hacky code
Merge: d7da981 860661d Merge branch 'umd-switch-' of into sum2012-umd-switch-
Better way of updating menus on UMD switching calls
GL: some extra error checks for texture loading
Fix recent texture scaling bug. Should help #9250 Not all cases tested yet.
Merge: 03b607f a61cb44 Merge pull request #9251 from hrydgard/texcoord-scale-fix Texcoord scale fix
Fix Dies irae Amantes amentes umd switch
Just some renaming. Start moving away from the "thin3d" name
Merge: 1044796 1f2f044 Merge pull request #9256 from sum2012/umd-minor Fix Dies irae Amantes amentes umd switch
Merge: d72b94e 5d78fbd Merge pull request #9257 from hrydgard/thin3d-rename-1 Just some renaming. Start moving away from the "thin3d" name
Always pass vec3 texcoord between vertex and fragment shader, to allow for some simplification.
If we can predict that the texcoord.z will always be 1.0 after the matrix, skip texture projection. Should help #9189
Unbreak environment mapping
Merge: 586d2aa 2a231b3 Merge pull request #9258 from hrydgard/avoid-unnecessary-projection Avoid unnecessary projection. Should fix "low-res look" in some games on older PowerVR
Pass in the DrawContext to all backends
Merge: 0d1d6f9 b058b98 Merge pull request #9260 from neilmunday/master Added ability for the user to override the location of the SDL game controller db file
Add supports floating-point-texture into GL extensions.
Expand gpu features flags to 64-bit.
[spline/bezier]Add some gpu features flags for Instanced Tessellation.
[spline/bezier]Turn off Hardware Tessellation if device is unsupported.
Revert gpu features flags to 32-bit.
Merge: 052660b 4fbc92d Merge pull request #9264 from xebra/hw_tess_gles4 Turn off Hardware Tessellation if device is unsupported

Dolphin 5.0 - 2227

CMake: Small Windows fixes (PR #4768 de ligfx)
Jit64: Enable branch following. (PR #4735 de degasus)
DSPEmitter: Fix -Wreorder warnings (PR #4772 de lioncash)
DSPCore: Move emitter cycle code into DSPEmitter itself (PR #4771 de lioncash)
CommandProcessor: Limit scope of ugly SCPFifoStruct. (PR #4770 de degasus)
DSPEmitter: Remove unused class member variable (PR #4775 de lioncash)
Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
Make the "Auto Adjust Window Size" option respect the current game's aspect ratio. (PR #4739 de AdmiralCurtiss)
MMIO: Get rid of a TODO regarding tuples (PR #4767 de lioncash)
ES: Separate IOCtlV code out into constituent functions (PR #4743 de lioncash)
ec_wii: Minor changes (PR #4781 de lioncash)
Hack to stop dcbz/dcbi over low MEM1 trashing memory. (PR #4780 de booto)
IOS FileIO: Move GetFileStats code to its own function (PR #4779 de lioncash)
Vulkan: Refactor initialization to only use a single instance (PR #4782 de stenzek)
EXI_Device: Minor cleanup (PR #4709 de lioncash)
AVIDump: Rename CloseFile to CloseVideoFile (PR #4788 de lioncash)
Add LowDCBZHack and DCBZOFF to JitArm64 (PR #4787 de booto)
JitArm64: Fix immediate versions of cmpl. (PR #4783 de degasus)
IOS STM: Get rid of forward declarations in the cpp file (PR #4786 de lioncash)
DSPAssembler/DSPDisassembler: Make constructors explicit (PR #4793 de lioncash)

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins

Plugins Vidéos



* Merge pull request #53 from cxd4/gtk-lolwut
removed old reference to libgtk from z64gl r12
* removed old reference to libgtk from z64gl r12

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Mise à jour : 1 février
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Information importante
Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1871




pcsx2:windows: Fix unreferenced local variable warning Also fix some typos in the warning messages.


pcsx2: Avoid having to translate the same strings twice Both strings have almost identical strings present elsewhere in the code, the only difference being that they use one less space.


PCSX2: Remove Unused And Unneeded Argument. (#1799) EE interpeter: remove unused argument rdd is neither used, nor needed. It appears it was there to pass the _Rd_ word to write to, but the writing was moved to PHMSBH() to have one "if (_Rd_)". Add a note on undefined behavior


GSdx: Improve robustness of ComboBoxInit() Previously, the combobox will reach an indeterminate state whenever it's passed with a value out of range via ComboBoxInit(). To avoid such cases, let's initialize the current selection of the combobox with the front element of the settings vector whenever we detect an out of range value which is not declared in the vector. To reproduce the issue, set "Renderer" to some sort of crazy value like 50 in the GSdx.ini file and it'll mess up the whole GSdx plugin dialog really bad. This patch prevents such undesirable behavior by simply selecting the front element in the vector when we read an unsupported value.


PPSSPP 1.3 - 469



Add Qt with SDL support to CMake. Fixes #9157.
Add support OES_texture_half_float.
Fix lag generated by getting savegames on update() Also clear otherChoices_ vector, fixes crash when moving a window.
Do not create thread to handle SDL joystick events in Qt build. Caused crashes on MacOS Sierra (10.12).
Merge: 3b0d252 0629054 Merge pull request #9268 from zhykzhykzhyk/joystick Fix joystick support for Qt build
Merge: 75dbdb1 918bee8 Merge pull request #9266 from xebra/hw_tess_gles4 Fix OES_texture_float to GL_OES_texture_float.
Merge: 9b1315b b15e927 Merge pull request #9265 from LunaMoo/ui_minor Fix Game/Info screen lagginess and crash when moving a window.


Dolphin 5.0 - 2239



Fixes a crash when closing a socket (PR #4795 de sepalani)
Fixes std::isprint undefined behavior (PR #4792 de sepalani)
IOS FS: Move behavior to separate functions (PR #4785 de lioncash)
RenderBase: Get rid of unnecessary casts (PR #4797 de lioncash)
DSPLLE: Only enable the DSP JIT on x64. (PR #4791 de degasus)
Sram: Make SRAM dumps const (PR #4790 de lioncash)


Project64 2.3.x + Plugins







* Merge pull request #1269 from Frank-74/Rename-Game_GoodName Fix GoodName missing from Project64.cfg

* Update SettingsConfig.cpp

* Update SettingsConfig.cpp

* Update N64Class.cpp

* Update Settings.h

* Update SettingsConfig.cpp

* Update MainMenuClass.cpp

* Update GuiClass.cpp

* Update SettingsPage-Game-General.cpp

* Update SettingsClass.cpp


Bsnes 0.73.3 - + Dev + xBRZ







* Merge pull request #107 from ARM9/master SuperFX property viewer improvements

* SuperFX property viewer improvements added register 3036 (rom bank register ROMBR) fixed register 3039 (clock register CLSR), used to display wrong values due to misinterpreted implementation detail






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Mise à jour : 2 février
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1875




gsdx: requires/allow BMI instruction in AVX2 build So far BMI is inclusive in AVX2 CPU. Help compiler to generate better code
common: use C++11 version vssappendf * use std::vector instead of VLA * remove windows code (optimization is useless here)
common: move ssappendf in DisR59000asm.cpp Legacy function to print EE opcode. It doesn't worth an extra file.
common: remove an old gcc workaround


Dolphin 5.0 - 2245



LightingShaderGen: Remove unnecessary includes (PR #4799 de lioncash)
Rename "Wii Remote Motor" -> "Wii Remote Rumble" (PR #4801 de JosJuice)
cmake: Move Qt5 search to DolphinQt build script (PR #4803 de Orphis)


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suite à un problème de lien reporter


les liens de PCSX2 et project64 sont changés


et s'affiche désormais correctement, à la suite de ce problème le topic principal à reçu un changement léger en conséquence.


acceptez mes excuses de la gène occasionner.

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Mise à jour : 3 février
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Émulateurs du jour
PPSSPP 1.3 - 471

Fix #9275
Merge: 6680239 82bb6cb Merge pull request #9276 from xebra/brach_fix Fix #9275

Dolphin 5.0 - 2270

JitArm64: Initial implementation of the BLR optimization. (PR #4796 de degasus)
MemcardManager: Use unique_ptr over raw pointers (PR #4806 de lioncash)
ShaderGenCommon: Remove unnecessary includes (PR #4802 de lioncash)
CMake macOS fixes (PR #4805 de Orphis)
cmake: Improve support for multi-configuration generators (PR #4752 de Orphis)
CMake cleanup: start organizing targets, remove some unwanted ones (PR #4808 de Orphis)
CMake for Windows: getting a working binary! (PR #4809 de Orphis)

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Est-il possible d'avoir les lien pour les émulateurs qui fonctionnent sur les pc moins puissant.

Avant on pouvait s'y retrouver mais la c'est vraiment pourri ce forum.


Pour PS2, j'avais télécharger Pcsx2-dev ca m'a permis de faire fonctionner l'émulateur PS2 ca aiderai du monde je pense d'y avoir encore accés.


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Il y a 1 heure, Pandavore a dit :

Est-il possible d'avoir les lien pour les émulateurs qui fonctionnent sur les pc moins puissant.

Avant on pouvait s'y retrouver mais la c'est vraiment pourri ce forum.


Pour PS2, j'avais télécharger Pcsx2-dev ca m'a permis de faire fonctionner l'émulateur PS2 ca aiderai du monde je pense d'y avoir encore accés.



Tout les émulateurs présent dans ce topic sont utilisable sur des PC de faible ou moyenne performances, hors mis " Dolphin - PCSX2 - 3Dnes " qui requière un PC de moyenne-haute performance ( c'est à dire un processeur supérieur à 3gHz )


j'ajoutes que chacun peut ce renseigner sur les caractéristiques de l'émulateur et le PC requis pour l'utilisés, voir de demander le lien du site de l'émulateur, je ne vois aucune contrainte à le donner.


un topic dédié à ce sujet pour les 2 principales émulateurs est ici : 


Dans cette phrase, nous ne savons pas si tu parles de romstation, ou de ce topic.


Dans tout les cas " ni ici " ni ailleurs " tu es en droit de déverser ta colère aux yeux de tous, je te prierai de rester poli à l'avenir,


Si tu as des réclamations à faire au sujet de romstation :


Merci d'utiliser le support


Si tu as des réclamations à faire au sujet de ce topic :


Merci de l'écrire par message privé


Suite à une ré-organisation de mon stockage en ligne, beaucoup de liens avait été chambouler, de ce fait il fallait que je ré-inscrive tout les liens.


Effectivement j'avais omis des liens, et c'est choses faites, désormais tous les liens ont été vérifiés, ne bougeront plus et resterons disponible, hors mis le temps de stockage, m'obligeant à re-upload le dossier et sont exe, si celui est supprimé automatiquement par le serveur.

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Mise à jour : 4-6 février
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Information importante

  • Project64 :
  1. Ajout du plugin audio Azimer's HLE

Émulateurs du jour
PPSSPP 1.3 - 508

Update ffmpeg submodule
Merge: 4ec89bb 8d37b97 Merge pull request #9274 from LunaMoo/hackGundam Modify Hack for Crash Tag Team Racing to fix Gundam games
CMakeLists: add linux/aarch64 to ffmpeg
Merge: 8b359a3 fcffad2 Merge pull request #9277 from substring/add-linux-aarch64-ffmpeg CMakeLists: add linux/aarch64 to ffmpeg
Merge: af2eea5 f9ac218 Merge pull request #9278 from substring/arm64-typo Typo: ARMV64 -> ARM64
Need to include getUVGenMode in vertex cache hash. Fixes #9263
Apply the Split/Second fix to DX9 as well.
Some simple renaming
Minor code formatting in x86 Jit
Hide glCopyImageSubData behind the FBO interface
Hide glBlitFramebuffer behind fbo_blit
Get rid of fbo_unbind_read
Delete more unused fbo functions
Work towards unifying the GL and DX FBO APIs
More FBO api cleanup
DX: Remove further fbo functions to get the interfaces closer
Add escape route for some more esoteric FBO functionality
Final tweak to the cleaned up FBO api before moving it to thin3d. Buildfixes.
Merge: c1f9f96 1a149ba Merge pull request #9280 from hrydgard/fbo-cleanup FBO API cleanup
Merge: 83ff9f4 99ce8d3 Merge pull request #9281 from zminhquanz/UIWindows Add Github choose in help
Minor DX9 code cleanup
Further minor DX9 code cleanups
Pass through the DrawContext to texturecaches and fb managers. This is preparation for sharing more framebuffer code between the backends.
More DX cleanup
DX9 cleanup: Remove more stuff from global.cpp
Remove dx_fbo dependency on global.h
Remove some dependencies on the pD3DDevice globals
Move pD3DDevice into dx_state.h.
Move global.cpp to native/gfx/d3d9_shader.cpp
Move dx_state into gfx/d3d9_state
Merge: 837ce90 41f770d Merge pull request #9282 from hrydgard/d3d9-cleanup D3D9 code moving and cleanup
Windows buildfix

Dolphin 5.0 - 2329

D3D: Add CommonTypes include to D3DTexture.h (PR #4813 de lioncash)
CMake: actually call, don't just echo it (PR #4814 de ligfx)
PowerPC: Move page #define constants to MMU.cpp (PR #4812 de lioncash)
Tools: Fix recurring multiple times over the same library in (PR #4815 de endrift)
Remove unneeded write to 0x3140/0x3188 for WADs (PR #4807 de leoetlino)
MemcardManager: Minor changes (PR #4811 de lioncash)
Small CMake cleanups (PR #4819 de Orphis)
FramebufferManagerBase: Return a std::pair from GetTargetSize (PR #4816 de lioncash)
DSPCore: Convert DSP stack register enum into an enum class (PR #4777 de lioncash)
Don't load game INIs in Core::Init (PR #4713 de JosJuice)
GameINI: Enable XFB for Karaoke Revolution Glee 1-3 (PR #4821 de leoetlino)
PowerPC: Convert CoreMode enum into an enum class (PR #4824 de lioncash)
PowerPC: Rename tlb_entry struct to TLBEntry (PR #4823 de lioncash)
Support Setting CPU Overclock via GameINIs (PR #4827 de Kurausukun)
CMake: Updates to AudioCommon & ALSA discovery (PR #4825 de Orphis)
Don't call Movie::SetTitleId from ES (PR #4629 de JosJuice)
Fixes for resource installation in CMake (PR #4830 de Orphis)
Translate Swedish in example strings to English (PR #4820 de JosJuice)
wx: Move platform defines to wx setup header (PR #4832 de Orphis)
CMake: use BundleUtilities to fix up (PR #4818 de ligfx)
Handle another case with HLE_GeneralDebugPrint (PR #4817 de sepalani)
Core: Convert State enum into an enum class (PR #4828 de lioncash)
Core: Actually make the State enum an enum class (PR #4834 de lioncash)

Project64 Plugins

Plugins Audios


new.gifAzimer's HLE

* Fix for DirectSound initialization crash Variable was uninitialized before use

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Mise à jour : 7 février
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Émulateurs du jour
PPSSPP 1.3 - 530

Move all the GL/D3D9 FBO code into thin3d.
VK/D3D11 early prep
Change when drawcontexts are allocated. Hook up backbuffer events to fix d3d9 resizing.
Rename the fbo_ functions to match the rest of DrawContext.
Remove fbo_preferred_z_bitdepth
A lot of buildfixes
Merge: abf7a7a 55aa879 Merge pull request #9284 from hrydgard/fbo-cleanup-2 Use a common API for framebuffers.
Update lang submodule
Unify DestroyFramebuf()
Unify NotifyRenderFramebufferCreated
Unify NotifyRenderFramebufferUpdated
Unify SetNumExtraFBOs
Preparing to unify the DrawActiveTexture API
Further work on DrawActiveTexture
Unify cardboard settings calculation
Unify GetTempFBO
Unify NotifyRenderFramebufferSwitched
More simplification
Unify ResizeFramebufFBO
Unify DecimateFBOs
Merge: 29e16bf 391f7be Merge pull request #9287 from hrydgard/fbo-cleanup-3 FBO cleanup 3: The grand unification .. sort of
Add new headers to "dx9sdk" for D3D11. Enable building of the very early d3d11 code.

Dolphin 5.0 - 2367

CMake: use configure_file to generate scmrev.h (PR #4835 de ligfx)
Small CMake fixes (PR #4831 de Orphis)
cmake: Modernize SDL discovery (PR #4755 de Orphis)
NetWindow: Make chat messages queue private (PR #4837 de lioncash)
DSPCore: Convert the DSPCoreState enum into an enum class (PR #4836 de lioncash)
IOS: USB support (OH0, USB_VEN, USB_HID) (PR #4408 de leoetlino)
[Video] Warn when booting a bounding box game on an unsupported GPU (PR #4618 de Helios747)
More CMake updates for AudioCommon dependencies (PR #4833 de Orphis)
CMake: re-run to get version information when .git/HEAD changes (PR #4841 de ligfx)
CMake: make option ENABLE_SDL work again (PR #4843 de ligfx)
ES: use PRIx64 to print m_addtitle_tmd.GetTitleId() (PR #4842 de ligfx)
CMake: add CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS on Data/Sys (PR #4822 de ligfx)

Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins
Plugins Audios


new.gifAzimer's HLE

* Merge pull request #155 from Frank-74/fix-volume-control Fix volume control and losing audio on plugin change and load savestate * Update DirectSoundDriver.h * Update DirectSoundDriver.cpp * Update main.cpp * Update SoundDriver.cpp * Fix losing audio on plugin change

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Mise à jour : 8 février
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Émulateurs du jour

PPSSPP 1.3 - 546



Enough D3D11 to stumble to the first thin3d draw call. Buffers not implemented yet.
D3D11: Fix a bunch of errors. Still no buffers or drawing.
Initial work on D3D11 buffers
Stub new UpdateBuffer API
Remove thin3d buffer->SetData
Change the API for updating buffers from the CPU to be cleaner
More D3D11 basics. Only dynamic constant buffers left, then it should display the UI.
Merge: e5c20b4 41fecc8 Merge pull request #9289 from hrydgard/d3d11-work D3D11 work
Add timing of sceMpegDelete based on JPCSP 8e4e6334da762be37a90855a686a7decbc29bacf
Merge: 4dd17c7 957dfa1 Merge pull request #9291 from sum2012/mpeg-minor2 Add timing of sceMpegDelete
DrawContext: Initial implementation of dynamic UBO support
DrawContext: Use uniform buffers on all platforms (simulated where necessary)
DrawContext: Remove the old way of setting uniforms
Fix another D3D11 bug, still no dice...
More assorted D3D11 fixes. The samplemask in SetBlendState was the problem.
Merge: 29739c8 a846c4f Merge pull request #9293 from hrydgard/d3d11-work-2 D3D11 DrawContext fixes


Dolphin 5.0 - 2431



GCKeyboardEmu/GCPadEmu: Make constructors explicit (PR #4848 de lioncash)
EXI_DeviceAD16: Minor changes (PR #4847 de lioncash)
JitIL/IR.cpp: add braces around std::array initalizers (PR #4845 de ligfx)
UCodes: Eliminate unnecessary includes in header (PR #4773 de lioncash)
CMake: re-run if .git/$(symbolic-full-name HEAD) changes (PR #4844 de ligfx)
cmake: Move PulseAudio detection to AudioCommon (PR #4849 de Orphis)
cmake: Move BlueZ detection to Core (PR #4852 de Orphis)
cmake: Move LLVM import to UICommon (PR #4855 de Orphis)
DolphinWX: Add missing include for no-PCH builds (PR #4858 de Orphis)
IOS: Fix Wi-Fi scanning in system menu (PR #4851 de leoetlino)
PowerPC: Convert #defines into typed constants (PR #4854 de lioncash)
DSPCore: Make g_cycles_left a regular member variable of DSPEmitter (PR #4857 de lioncash)
Core: Remove redundant returns in FifoPlayerThread() and CpuThread() (PR #4850 de lioncash)
OpcodeDecoding: Convert #defines into enum constants (PR #4859 de lioncash)
NetWindow: Eliminate usages of the main_window global (PR #4840 de lioncash)
SettingsHandler: Minor cleanup (PR #4769 de lioncash)
s InputCommon: Move ControllerEmu to its own directory (PR #4789 de lioncash)
Fix symbols name from maps taking 2 lines instead of one (PR #4846 de aldelaro5)
Copy Wii save for current game for Netplay and TAS (PR #4546 de RisingFog)
FifoPlayerDlg: Use std::lock_guard instead of manual mutex locking/unlocking (PR #4860 de lioncash)
Remove Guitar Hero 5 hack that apparently disabled USB functionality (PR #4838 de JosJuice)
CMake: move modules from CMakeTests/ -> CMake/ (PR #4861 de ligfx)
JIT Instruction Tables: Eliminate JIT global usages (PR #4711 de lioncash)
Be less annoying when usbdk is not installed (PR #4839 de leoetlino)
DVDInterface: Chunking and various timing accuracy improvements (PR #4829 de JosJuice)



Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins

Plugins Audios



new.gifAzimer's HLE



* Merge pull request #157 from Frank-74/Fix-XA2-volume
Fix XA2 volume
* Update XAudio2SoundDriver.h
* Update XAudio2SoundDriver.cpp
* Merge pull request #156 from Frank-74/Save-Config-Settings
Cheap Save/Load config settings
* config error handling
* Fix
* remove default settings
* Add cheap config save to main.cpp


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merci de ton soutien, il est détaillé mais j'envisage de le remodeler, pour le rendre plus simpliste, mieux compréhensible, plus lisible, etc, bref le rendre mieux


cependant pour des raisons techniques, temps, motivation, il faudra attendre plusieurs semaines, heureusement comme tout mes tuto, il vera son changement en temps et en heure :)


l'emulateur dreamcast est déjà présent dans romstation, tu me fais pensé que j'ai omis d'ajouter une version corrigée ( fix ) que j'avais proposé avant la 2.0 du site, je tâcherai de l'ajouter demain ;)

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ok merci je veux bien


Concernant Dolphin il y à environ 3 ans que je n'ai pas suivi l'actu, est-il possible de faire tourner les jeux Wii en 60 fps ?

J'aimerais faire Xenoblade, j'avais vu qu'un pack de textures HD existait sur ce site :


Tu connaitrais pas un tuto en français pour l'installation ?

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Mise à jour : 9 février
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Information importante


Ajout de la version Fixé de NullDC


Selon l'auteur il aurait corrigé le bridage de FPS, désormais 99% des jeux devrait si votre ordinateur le permet, atteindre les 60FPS.


Correction de stabilité


L'ajout dans le topic principal sera disponible dans quelque minutes

Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 -1882 + Plugins



pcsx2: set the size of the vector in the constructor
gsdx ogl: allow to start without GL_ARB_texture_barrier Rendering will be corrupted (for advance effects) if the driver doesn't support it. However it allow to run with Mesa software emulation (or inside a virtual machine) Note: mesa still requires an override of the buffer storage extension MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE=GL_ARB_buffer_storage
gsdx ogl: drop fallback of GL_ARB_clear_texture Mesa AMD was updated :) all drivers[1] that support GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store got GL_ARB_clear_texture [1] Intel driver misses others extensions to run GSdx
cmake: add an option to enable openCL Note: nothing work
gsdx opencl: warning+compilation fixes
gsdx ogl: add a texture barrier when target is read back Fix graphical corruption in Nouveau/BUA/devil may cry Issue #1805
gsdx sw: init completely m_scanline buffer The buffer contains extra room to avoid a segmentation fault due to an overflow. Unfortunately the end of the buffer wasn't initialized which can lead to unexpected behavior. Based on issue #1806 it could impact Guilty Gear X2


Plugins Manettes



PPSSPP 1.3 - 554



Unify CheckFullHash
TexCache: Unify Invalidate, InvalidateAll, ClearNextFrame
Texcache: Unify AttachFramebuffer, misc
Texcache: Unify SetTextureFramebuffer
Unify "SetOffsetTexture"
Unify DownloadFramebufferForClut
Merge: c922ad1 9f00b35 Merge pull request #9294 from hrydgard/texcache-cleanup Reduce duplicated code in texture caches
Fix two minor issues with D3D UI


Dolphin 5.0 - 2457



ElfReader: Make constructor explicit (PR #4865 de lioncash)
Boot: Minor include changes (PR #4866 de lioncash)
Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
Fix default audio backend on Android being "No audio output" (PR #4868 de JosJuice)
IOS: Implement MIOS functionality (PR #4784 de leoetlino)
InputCommon: Extract ControlReference from ControllerInterface (PR #4502 de ligfx)
ControllerEmu: Fix incorrect default radius being set in AnalogStick (PR #4871 de lioncash)


Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins
Plugins Audios



new.gifAzimer's HLE



* Merge pull request #160 from cxd4/DRAM-globals DRAM, DMEM and IMEM should be in HLEMain.

* DRAM, DMEM and IMEM should be in HLEMain.

* Merge pull request #159 from cxd4/config-loading secure, simpler config file initialization

* volume range clamp * secure, simpler config file initialization


Snes9x 1.5x 






* Revert "Revert hires pixel logic to anomie's version" This reverts commit 795542de2b8b37e03a5f6103b6e67051025d2bd6



NullDC Fixé

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Mise à jour : 10 février
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Information importante


Retour de l'auto-installation Higan x64, pour des raisons techniques et longues, je n'avais pas pu offrir l'auto installation x64, acceptez mes excuses sur le temps de disponibilité.

Émulateurs du jour

Dolphin 5.0 - 2464

GameListCtrl: Separate some scanning code into functions (PR #4872 de lioncash)
JitArm64: Use a custom stack with proper guard pages. (PR #4870 de degasus)
InputConfigDialog pass the device_cbox to the wiimote extension dialogs (PR #4764 de aldelaro5)

Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins
Plugins Audios

new.gifAzimer's HLE

* Merge pull request #167 from cxd4/Wunknown-pragmas
warning: ignoring #pragma warning [-Wunknown-pragmas]
* warning: ignoring #pragma warning [-Wunknown-pragmas]
* Merge pull request #166 from cxd4/Wparenthesis
warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else' [-Wparentheses]
* warning: suggest explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else' [-Wparentheses]
* Merge pull request #165 from cxd4/enable-all-warnings
Start compiling with all warnings enabled.
* deleted functions that were just never used anywhere
* Safely detach memory.h from memory.c.
* Enable all compiler warnings.
* Merge pull request #164 from cxd4/Boolean-redeclared
fixed warning: redefinition of typedef 'Boolean' [-Wpedantic]
* fixed warning: redefinition of typedef 'Boolean' [-Wpedantic]
* Merge pull request #163 from cxd4/pedantic
Now compiles with -pedantic.
* Merge branch 'master' into pedantic
* Merge pull request #162 from cxd4/ansi
Now compiles with -ansi.
* compiles now with -ansi
* C++ comments not allowed in ANSI C.
* Nullify the inline keyword when compiling as ANSI.
* Merge pull request #161 from cxd4/nope
* removed duplicate declaration
* now compiles with -pedantic
* Disable the anonymous struct inside LARGE_INTEGER.

Higan 102 - 05 

- higan: added Makefile option,
`build=(release|debug|instrument|optimize)` , defaults to release
- PCE: added preliminary PSG (sound) emulation

The Makefile thing is just to make it easier to build debug releases
without having to hand-edit the Makefile. Just say "gmake build=debug"
and you'll get -g, otherwise you'll get -O3 -s. I'll probably start
adding these build= blocks to my other projects. Or maybe I'll put it
into nall, in which case release will need a different name ... a stable
-01, and a fast -03 mode. I also want to add a mode to generate
profiling information (via gprof.)

Unfortunately, the existing documentation on the PCE's PSG is as
barebones as humanly possible.

Right now, I support waveform mode, direct D/A mode, and noise
generation mode. However for noise, I'm not actually generating a proper
square wave, and I don't know the PRNG algorithm used for choosing the
random values. So for now, I'm just feeding in nall::random() values to

I'm also not sure about the noise mode's frequency counter. Magic Kit is
implying it's 64*~frequency, but that results in an 11-bit period. It
seems only logical that we'd want a 12-bit period. So my guess is that
it's actually 12-bit, and halfway through it alternates between two
randomly generated values every 32 samples, and the two values are
generated every time the period hits zero.

Next up, it's not clear when the period counter is reloaded, either for
the waveform or the noise mode. So for now, when enabling the channel, I
reload the waveform period. And when enabling noise mode, I reload the
noise period. I don't know if you need to do it when writing to the
frequency registers or not.

Next, it's not clear whether the period is a decrement-and-compare, or a
compare-and-decrement, and whether we reload with frequency,
frequency-1, or frequency+1. There's this cryptic note in

> The PSG channel frequency is 12 bits, $001 is the highest frequency,
> $FFF is the next to lowest frequency, and $000 is the lowest frequency.

As best I can tell, he's trying to say that it's decrement-and-compare.

Whatever the case, there's periodic popping noises every few seconds. I
thought it might be because this is the first system with a fractional
sampling rate (~3.57MHz), but rounding the frequency to a whole number
doesn't help at all, and emulator/audio should be able to handle
fractional resampling rates anyway.

The popping noises could also be due to PSG writes being cycle-timed,
and my HuC6280 cycle timings not being very great yet. The PSG has no
kind of interrupts, so I think careful timing is the only way to do
certain things, especially D/A mode.

Next up, I really don't understand the frequency modulation mode at all.
I don't have any idea whatsoever how to support that. It also has a
frequency value that we'll need to understand how the period works and
reloads. Basic idea though is the channel 1 output turns into a value to
modulate channel 0's frequency by, and channel 1's output gets muted.

Next up, I don't know how the volume controls work at all. There's a
master volume left+right, per-channel volume left+right, and per-channel
overall volume. The documentation lists their effects in terms of
decibels. I have no fucking clue how to turn decibels into multiply-by
values. Let alone how to stack THREE levels of audio volume controls

Next, it looks like the output is always 5-bit unsigned per-channel, but
there's also all the volume adjustments. So I don't know the final
bit-depth of the final output to normalize the value into a signed
floating point value between -1.0 and +1.0. So for now, half the
potential speaker range (anything below zero) isn't used in the
generated output.

As bad as all this sounds, and it is indeed bad ... the audio's about
~75% correct, so you can definitely play games like this, it just won't
be all that much fun.

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Mise à jour : 11-13 février
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Information importante
Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1885 + Plugins

gsdx wgl: retry to create a context without advance flag Hopefully it will support more drivers #1813
Merge: 213fa1c de962d3 Merge pull request #1814 from PCSX2/greg/gsdx-wgl-context gsdx wgl: retry to create a context without advance flag
GameIndex.dbf: Removed Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga series EE timing hack

Dolphin 5.0 - 2510

Always use configured root when installing WAD (PR #4869 de leoetlino)
Fix booting Wii DOLs (PR #4882 de leoetlino)
ControllerEmu: Separate ControlGroup from ControllerEmu (PR #4873 de lioncash)
Only use usbdk when installed (PR #4881 de leoetlino)
ControlReference: Add missing virtual destructor (PR #4885 de lioncash)
Buttons: Use a delegating constructor (PR #4893 de lioncash)
Cursor: Make m_z private (PR #4894 de lioncash)
ControllerEmu: Add const to UpdateReferences() first reference parameter (PR #4895 de lioncash)
Correct the comment about the number of ES devices (PR #4897 de JosJuice)
CMake/Libusb: compile libusb/os/windows_usbdk.c (PR #4890 de ligfx)
CMake: use _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS instead of _SECURE_SCL=0 (PR #4891 de ligfx)
Fix connecting Wii remotes on boot (PR #4884 de leoetlino)
FileIO: Minor cleanup (PR #4886 de leoetlino)
Get rid of a singleton for NAND shared contents (PR #4888 de leoetlino)
CMake: Fix LLVM error (PR #4879 de orbea)
ControlGroup: Use std::array for Force and Tilt groups (PR #4899 de lioncash)
Boot: Remove unused game ID string (PR #4902 de lioncash)
Use .manifest file for apps on Windows (PR #4880 de ligfx)
IOS/USB_KBD: Re-add the Write stub handler (PR #4903 de leoetlino)
Don't show savestate USB warning when not using USB passthrough (PR #4904 de JosJuice)
Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
Rename "Copy Wii Save" to "Load Wii Save" (PR #4905 de JosJuice)

Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins
Plugins Audios

new.gifAzimer's HLE

* Merge pull request #180 from Frank-74/patch-1

* Fix HLE volume problem #178

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Mise à jour : 14 février
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Information importante
Émulateurs du jour

PPSSPP 1.3 - 597

Start stubbing out a new D3D11 backend
Enable selecting D3D11 on Windows
Some mostly empty files for D3D11
Initial stab at porting the DX9 backend to D3D11. Not working yet.
Further stuff.
Make the first generated D3D11 shaders compile, fix various warnings
Break on D3D11 validation errors in _DEBUG mode
More D3D11 progress
cube.elf now runs in D3D11 mode, still blackscreen
D3D11: Cube now visible
D3D11: Fix depth state
More D3D11 improvements
D3D11: Fix clears
D3D11: Lumines is now playable in non-buffered, with reverse colors.
D3D11: Fix reversed colors, stencil improvements
Assorted fixes for memory leaks etc
D3D11: Change init method for textures, so we can support mipmapping
Fix DrawActiveTexture, now Buffered Rendering is starting to work
Assorted D3D11 fixes
D3D11: Fix reverse colors in drawpixels, fix a potential crash
D3D11: Fix build issue in Release mode. Triangle fan workaround.
Fix the stencil buffer initialization stuff (not sure it's 100% working et)
Windows GEDebugger: Make display list view DPI-aware for easier debugging on high-dpi screens
Further D3D11 fixes
Minor tweaks
D3D11: Stencil and scissor work
D3D11: Prepare for dual src blending support
DX9 typo fix in PackDepthBuffer
D3D11: Some cleanup. Fix backface culling. Wipeout still looks weird...
Additional D3D11 fixes
More D3D11 fixes, hopefully without breaking DX9
Last one for today
D3D11 Attempt at fixing Star Ocean stencil .. doesn't quite work.
D3D11: Fix some color issues by doing thing similarly to DX9. Can be optimized later.
D3D11 Stencil ref fix, fixes Star Ocean stencil-depth
Hide the D3D11 backend if Windows version is older than Win8
D3D11: Improved alpha/color test, like in GL/Vulkan
Enable dualsource blend effects (glows on transparent things in Wipeout, for example)
D3D11: Support window resize
Merge: 9dd3e18 77d0877 Merge pull request #9296 from hrydgard/d3d11-impl D3D11 Backend
D3D11, Vulkan: Switch to 4x3 matrixes where possible. Lets us unify more shader code between D3D11 and D3D9, and fixes HW skinning on D3D11.
Get rid of "AutoInit", instead always keep the network initialized. See #9305

Dolphin 5.0 - 2517

Add Stop Play/Recording Input Menu (PR #4898 de RisingFog)
JitArm64: Optimize GPR register push/pop and fix the FPR one. (PR #4875 de degasus)
Remove C++14 optional digit separator (PR #4908 de leoetlino)

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Mise à jour : 15-16 février
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Émulateurs du jour
PPSSPP 1.3 - 631

Fix importing first cheat from database list
Fix fake mipmap issue related #5350
Move wasted checks in FastRunLoop() to Execute_TexLevel()
Fix small issue.
Add support compat to fake mipmap hacks.
Fix fake mipmap hacks.
Merge: cbf24a9 e2f9dc8 Merge pull request #9299 from xebra/fake_mipmap Fix fake mipmap issue related #5350
Merge: bbd74d9 89ef069 Merge pull request #9307 from LunaMoo/cwc_import_db_fix Fix importing first cheat from database list
Update glslang submodule
Travis: Switch to NDK 13b
Import SPIRV-Cross. This will be used later to translate post-processing shaders to the various shader languages we use. Eventually, this will make it possible to use post-processing with Vulkan and D3D11. Probably not DX9, though maybe. Not adding to Android build, there's some strangeness with
Remember Last Remote ISO server
Merge: 3653b12 a8ee70f Merge pull request #9306 from hrydgard/spirv-cross-import Import SPIRV-Cross. This will be used later to translate post-processing shaders...
Remove net::init()
Minor cleanups (combined two identical enums, misc)
Merge: 3cc344a 59fd5da Merge pull request #9312 from xebra/fake_mipmap Fix fake mipmap hacks.
D3D11: Enable anisotropic filtering
Add new backends to windows commandline.
Initial work on shader translation using glslang+spirv-cross
Move CalcShaderUniforms to FramebufferCommon
Merge: 3fb1f44 3297d15 Merge pull request #9315 from LunaMoo/CLI_new_backends Add new backends to windows commandline.
One more step
Move compiledraw2dprogram out of DrawActiveTexture
DrawActiveTexture: Don't allow passing in nullptr as a GLES program
Merge: ad06a71 6bbbb11 Merge pull request #9305 from fireballwayne/remoteiso Remember Last Remote ISO server
Remove GLSL program argument to DrawActiveTexture - bind before instead.
Declare DrawActiveTexture in FramebufferCommon
Preparations for unifying CopyDisplayToOutput
More work towards unifying CopyDisplayToOutput
Unify "DrawPixels"
Unify DrawFramebufferToOutput
Unify CopyDisplayToOutput
Fix some minor gl bugs
Merge: e110196 a847de9 Merge pull request #9314 from hrydgard/unify-postproc Unify postprocessing-related framebuffer code

Dolphin 5.0 - 2538

IOS: Separate net/kd code out from Net.cpp (PR #4900 de lioncash)
Movie: replace magic number 8 with sizeof(ControllerState) (PR #4874 de ligfx)
Control: Convert raw pointer parameter into unique_ptr (PR #4892 de lioncash)
Externals: Update mbedtls to 2.4.1 (PR #4778 de leoetlino)
CPU Backends: Make instruction table initialization private (PR #4862 de lioncash)
NetKDRequest: Make lookup maps const (PR #4909 de lioncash)
IOS: Add constants for some missing IOSes (PR #4907 de leoetlino)
DVDInterface: Translate Wii partition offsets for timing purposes (PR #4883 de JosJuice)
C++ conformance fixes (MSVC /permissive-) (PR #4914 de Rastaban)

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - 741 - 894


-Merge latest master changes.


Fixed vulkan hangs while using dds textures.

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Mise à jour : 18-20
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Information importante
Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1894 + Plugins

cmake: Add various missing file in CMakeLists.txt Add some windows code path. It would reduce the burden to port Cmake to windows. (sill miss 3rdparty/some plugins/...)
gsdx-ogl: black list 2016/2017.1 AMD driver Based on AMD feedback, I'm might blacklist all 2017 drivers too.
gsdx ogl: As Intel is too cheap to provide GL_ARB_direct_state_access on theirs expensive iGPUs Add a "slower" emulation of the extension... Hopefully it will allow to start openGL on haswell (maybe broadwell) and later.
gsdx wgl: drop GL2.0 context and avoid a context leak Namely detach/delete context before throwing
3rdparty: Update zlib from 1.2.8 to 1.2.11
isoreader:gzip: Avoid shallow copying z_stream objects This prevents the internal state of the objects from becoming inconsistent, which causes inflate() to fail with recent zlib versions (1.2.9 and later).
gsdx ogl: mark 2 DSA functions as optional
gsdx ogl: texture barrier is optional too
gsdx ogl: improve error message on windows * Common function * Print an error id * Don't exit on bad setpixelformat (it is illegal to call it twice)

PPSSPP 1.3 - 697

GL: Allow ShaderTexClamp path on PowerVR if no projection is needed
GL: Fix inconsistency with BindFramebufferColor
Work towards enabling shader blending on D3D11
Unify ApplyShaderBlending
D3D11: Attempt a straight implementation of FramebufferBlit. Shader blending not yet working.
Minor cleanup, elimintate some bind ordering hazards that D3D11 warns about
Windows: Add main menu item for Direct3D11
Fix bugs. DBZ now shows outlines, though doesn't apply them correctly.
D3D11 depal: Directly index into the texture using Load() instead of messing with samplers.
State management fixes. DBZ toon shader effect now works.
Merge: e9d5eb6 0616856 Merge pull request #9319 from hrydgard/d3d11-shader-blend D3D11 shader blend and depal
Further minor D3D11 fixes
Fix a number of resource leaks, both D3D11-only and general. Additionally, fix D3D11 BlitFramebuffer
Fix another resource leak, and fix one of the last leak fixes :p
Add an escape route to D3D9 in case D3D11 fails to initialize. Cleanups.
D3D11: Implement basic framebuffer readback. Also make debug interfaces more consistent.
D3D11: Add enough debug readback support to support savestate thumbnails
D3D11: Implement screenshots.
Merge: 522ac5c e8396b1 Merge pull request #9321 from hrydgard/d3d11-readback D3D11 framebuffer readback
Initial preparations for logic op support
D3D11: Add proper checks for B4G4R4A4 format support. Not yet using the checks.
Add some plumbing to be able to reach DX11.1 features.
Remove "Experimental" tag from D3D11
D3D11: implement support for logic op blending when available
Workaround for crash decoding DXT5 textures. This may be a clue to #9134
D3D11: Proper fix for DXT5 crash. May also help #9134.
Fix oversight that could cause crashes with shader blending in GL
D3D11: Fix crash with texture scaling enabled
Disable logic ops, the D3D11 debug layer says they don't work anyway..
Fix vertical layout on main screen.
Implement sceIoCreate flag O_EXCL. Should fix #9322
Merge: d7238c3 5ffef6d Merge pull request #9325 from LunaMoo/UIvertical Fix vertical layout on main screen.
Fix the issue where the first argument to homebrew umd0:/EBOOT.PBP instead of their actual location on the memory stick. Fixes #9326
Refactor away SetImageData
Fix minor issue in gamesettings
Fix even more confusion around 4-bit RGBA texture formats
OpenGL DrawContext texture handling cleanup, fixing some bugs.
Merge: e42bce5 b75e299 Merge pull request #9329 from hrydgard/shield-texture-fix Assorted cleanup of GL texture handling. Fixes #9286
Merge: 4e5a70c b0942cf Merge pull request #9327 from hrydgard/file-io-excl Implement sceIoCreate flag O_EXCL. Should fix #9322
Merge: 8759cd1 6e83ef0 Merge pull request #9328 from hrydgard/homebrew-boot-argument Fix first argument to homebrew to be the memory stick location.
Take the mapping direction into account in AnalogTestScreen. Hopefully will solve #9300.
Move TexCacheEntry outside the TextureCacheCommon class. Nested structs are annoying.
Centralize Texcache::Clear
Centralize DeleteTexture
Work towards unifying ApplyTexture
More work towards unifying ApplyTexture
Unify ApplyTexture
Unify Decimate()
Prepare to unify SetTexture
Centralize SetTexture
Unify HandleTextureChange
Some member variable renaming to match the convention
Forgot to delete CheckFullHash duplicates
These should be deleted too.
Texcache: Keep pointers to entries instead of full entries in the map.
Merge: b14e106 195eb94 Merge pull request #9332 from hrydgard/texcache-unify-2 Further texcache unification
D3D11: Fix texture loading crash on 32-bit platforms
Fix a bad memory leak in sceMpeg
Missing initialization, warning fixes, fix display of tabs in fast text drawing
Create the expected default directories on memstick on startup, to reduce confusion for homebrew. See #9333
Fix directory creation. On Android, also create a .nomedia file in PPSSPP_STATE to avoid it showing up in galleries and stuff. Additionally, commit a little script to help make Windows releases. See #9333

Dolphin 5.0 - 2565

IOS: Add constants for IOS40 (PR #4920 de leoetlino)
IOS Network: Move net/ip/top code into its own source files (PR #4910 de lioncash)
AVIDump: Updates to avoid deprecation warnings (PR #4596 de ligfx)
IOS Network: Split ncd/manage code and wd/command code into their own source files (PR #4926 de lioncash)
VertexManagerBase: Make CreateNativeVertexFormat return a unique_ptr (PR #4927 de lioncash)
Vulkan: Fix GPU hangs on AMD Polaris (PR #4924 de stenzek)
Forward declare IBlobReader in Volume headers (PR #4931 de JosJuice)
Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
IOS/ES: Fix the initial content FD value (PR #4934 de leoetlino)
Add missing "functional" include for GCC7 (PR #4938 de sjnewbury)

Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins
Plugins Vidéos

* Merge branch 'master' of

* UI: Fix spacers

* UI: N64 depth compare disables anti-aliasing

* Merge branch 'master' of

* UI: Mild N64 tabs adjustment; less XML on spacers

* Merge branch 'master' of

* Fix compile on Fedora



Mesen 0.7.1

N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez aussi télécharger la mise à jour depuis l'émulateur, il vous annoncera automatiquement une nouvelle version

Nouvelles fonctionalités


Vidéo : Ajout d'une option pour configurer le ratio d'affichage.

Vidéo : Ajout d'un nouveau codec pour l'enregistrement AVI (camstudio).

Compatibilité : Le mapper 190 (Magic Kid GooGoo) et UNIF EH8813A sont maintenant supportés.


Problèmes corrigés


FME7 : Correction d'un bug avec les sauvegardes rapides pour le mapper 69.

Autres: Plusieurs petits problèmes ont été corrigés.

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Mise à jour : 21 février
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Information importante
Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1899+ Plugins

GSdx: Add an Enumeration for CRC Hack level
GSdx-Windows: Automatic CRC hack level selection Default to "Partial" CRC hack level when the GPU's best renderer is determined as the OpenGL hardware renderer.
GSdx-PCRTC: Move hacks away from GetDisplayRect() Isolate all the hacks into a separate subroutine and properly document about them, should make it easier for people to understand the display rectangle setup code, the hacks were totally messing up the readability of the function earlier.
GSdx-PCRTC: Apply saturation only for field mode Previously, the NTSC saturation was also applied for double scan mode (Interlaced and Frame) where the developers send double the height to the DISP registers, saturation shouldn't be performed at such cases as the developers could send a value of 780 while the real size of the output would be 390 due to double scan mode. Doing the saturation later after identifying the real size also seems a bit counter-intuitive as we haven't discovered any cases where double scan games require the NTSC saturation hack. So let's just apply the saturation only for Interlaced (Field) Mode and omit the saturation step for other modes.
Make fps2bios compilable with latest PS2 toolchain

PPSSPP 1.3 - 705

Merge: dfae4b6 947f8c5 Merge pull request #9330 from hrydgard/xinput-multiple-pads Let multiple XInput devices be mapped separately. Fixes #8250
Add some comments and a sanity check, fix a minor leak
GL: If possible, use glCopyImageSubData instead of glBlitFramebuffer to copy depth buffers
Delete some broken DX9 code.
When adding filenames to recent list, convert slashes to /. See #9335 Note that this doesn't fix existing backslashes but solves it in the long run.
Remove some unnecessary error handling paths
D3D9: Use D3DLOCK_DISCARD when updating whole textures, may be a small speedup

Dolphin 5.0 - 2569

IOS/FFSP: Fix the read handler logic (PR #4942 de leoetlino)
Remove IsReadOnly check when stop recording (PR #4925 de RisingFog)

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Mise à jour : 22-23 février
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Information importante

Changement de nom pour l'exe d'installation

  • Auto-installation > installation

Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1901 + Plugins

Merge: 607e016 6862106 Merge pull request #1835 from volodymyrkutsenko/vu0_cfc2_tpc_adjustment VU0: fix for Street Fighter EX3 and R: Racing Evolution

PPSSPP 1.3 - 718

Assorted texture format cleanup, prep for supporting D3D11 on Win7
D3D11: Expand 16-bit texture formats to 32-bit if they are not supported, like on Windows 7. Part of issue #9317
Fix D3D9 crash (made a mistake with locking)
Merge: b94ad12 95aec3a Merge pull request #9345 from hrydgard/d3d11-16bit-textures D3D11: Expand 16-bit textures to 32-bit if Win8+-only texture formats are not supported
Allow background joystick input on SDL
Don't minimize PPSSPP when losing focus while fullscreen
Merge: 364b7e2 14187f9 Merge pull request #9346 from asl97/background-js Allow background joystick input on SDL
Merge: 5ce074d 56431ca Merge pull request #9347 from asl97/fullscreen-keep-active Don't minimize PPSSPP when losing focus while fullscreen
Fix #9340 (touch controls not always getting repositioned correctly)
Win32 start-from-command-line: Normalize slashes earlier in the process. The actual root cause of the issue from #9335.
Show the D3D11 choice on Windows Vista+ instead of Windows 8+.
Improvements to D3D11 detection and error handling.
D3D11: Add support for viewing the depth and stencil buffers in the GE debugger

Dolphin 5.0 - 2577

Force Wallace and Gromit in Pet Zoo to use smaller memory card (PR #4947 de JMC47)
IOS/Network/Net: Use a conversion function instead of a static array for SOCKOPT mapping (PR #4921 de waddlesplash)
JitArm64: Extract block exit link area generation. (PR #4911 de degasus)
IOS/FFSP: Fix the "past EOF" check (PR #4948 de leoetlino)

Project64 2.3.2 + 2.3.x + Plugins
Plugins Vidéos

* Code refactor: replace graphics::ObjectHandle() by graphics::ObjectHandle::null

* Fix compilation with clang.

* Allow clang build to work in Android.



Higan 102 - 09 

- MD: restructured DMA to a subclass of VDP

- MD: implemented VRAM copy mode (fixes Langrisser II ... mostly)

- MS: implemened PSG support [Cydrak] - GG: implemented PSG stereo sound support

- MS: use the new struct Model {} design that other cores use


The MS/GG PSG should be feature complete, but I don't have good tests for Game Gear stereo mode, nor for the noise channel. There's also a really weird behavior with when to reload the channel counters on volume register writes. I can confirm what Cydrak observed in that following the docs and reloading always creates serious audio distortion problems. So, more research is needed there.


To get the correct sound out of the PSG, I have to run it at 3.58MHz / 16, which seems really weird to me. The docs make it sound like it's supposed to run at the full 3.58MHz. If we can really run it at 223.7KHz, then that's help reduce the overhead of PSG emulation, which will definitely come in handy for Mega Drive, and possibly later Mega CD, emulation.


I have not implemented the PSG into the Mega Drive just yet. Nor have I implemented save states or cheat code support into the MS/GG cores yet. The latter is next on my list.

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