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Mise à jour : 19 décembre
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Information importante


Mise à jour Éventuelle : PCSX2, mGBA.


Émulateurs du jour

PPSSPP 1.3 - 202

glew: Move to ext
cmake: Move some cmake includes to ext
Fix arch detection for fast_matrix_mul Needed for iOS Simulator build
Merge: 17fc373 5db12ca Merge pull request #9168 from Orphis/cmake_cleanup Cmake cleanup
Update ffmpeg submodule
cmake: New FindFFmpeg module This new module should be able to handle both libraries in the regular paths and fallback to pkg-config. It is also able to find dynamic libraries, not just static libraries. It will generate imported targets with the name FFmpeg::<lib> that you can use in your scripts. The way it’s used in our main build script has been updated to match. We also won’t link external libraries used by ffmpeg automatically since it is not reliable and depend on custom options. You should use a proper static build with no external dependencies or a shared build that will have the proper dependencies listed.
ios: Enable building for arm64 and simulator
Merge: c3dab84 2ba04f3 Merge pull request #9169 from Orphis/ios FFmpeg and iOS updates

Dolphin 5.0 - 1490

OpenGL: Always use a PBO in EncodeToRamUsingShader (PR #4505 de hthh)
VideoCommon: Use avg(color1, color2) for color3 in CMPR textures (PR #4512 de stenzek)
TextureCache: Use same color coefficients for EFB2Tex as EFB2RAM (PR #4517 de stenzek)

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - 866



Merge latest master changes.
Fixed some issues reported in the forum.

Bsnes 0.73.3- + Dev + xBRZ


* don't over-stretch lowres lines during frameskip
fixes #92


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Mise à jour : 20 décembre
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Un site avance le temps des nouvelles MAJ de 2 heures, désormais elles débuteront dès 15h au lieu de 17h, cependant l'heure limite approximative restera à 21h.

Émulateurs du jour

PCSX2 1.5.0 - 1720


cdvdgigaherz: Use constant for sectors per read
cdvdgigaherz: Rename variables/parameters in cdvdDirectReadSector s/sector/sector_block s/first/sector
cdvdgigaherz: Improve prefetch logic Avoid reading past the end of the disk. Avoid waiting when there are prefetches remaining. Fix the maths so that the first prefetch after a request attempts to read the next block of sectors and not the block of sectors that was just read (which will just be skipped anyway because the data has just been cached). Avoid potential prefetch after disk is swapped (though disc swap doesn't work properly if you just eject and insert a different disk). Stop prefetching on disk read failure (Suikoden hits this case - 2048 byte reads are requested, but only 2352 byte reads will succeed). Also reduce the read retry count to 2.
cdvdgigaherz: Fix read past the end of the buffer

PPSSPP 1.3 - 211

glslang for vulkan: Use my proper glslang fork instead of the ugly old SDK-glslang fork
Remove the old glslang build
Alphasort. Also attempt to retrigger Travis..
Use new flag to not build the glslangValidator and spirv-remap binaries
Set up Android build for the proper glslang
Merge: 2cf3f02 73ed466 Merge pull request #9171 from hrydgard/switch-glslang glslang for vulkan: Use my proper glslang fork instead of the ugly old SDK-glslang fork
Merge: 1852cdd 8ac9eca Merge pull request #9163 from zminhquanz/master Fixed , add setting info

Dolphin 5.0 - 1503

Remove leftover SkipIdle function (PR #4529 de RisingFog)
Import/Export signature files as CSV (PR #4497 de sepalani)
Jit64Common: Split Jit64Util contents into separate files (PR #4522 de lioncash)
SignatureDB: Add missing license headers (PR #4530 de lioncash)
DolphinWX: Fix booting from DVD (PR #4527 de leoetlino)
EmuCodeBlock: Make nearcode and farcode protected (PR #4531 de lioncash)

mGBA 0.6.x
Bsnes 0.73.3- + Dev + xBRZ



* v3a minor release


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Mise à jour : 21 décembre
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Information importante


Changement sur les sections suivantes :


- Project64 - 


Changement sur le lien d'accès pour raccourcir la ligne et une meilleur lisibilité

Répartition entre l'émulateur et ses plugins


Ajout de la version officiel dans le changelog

Ajout de RiceVideo dans le changelog


Ajout de la section " Plugins Audios " dans l'éventualité de Mise à jour d'un de ces plugins


Mise à jour éventuelle : PCSX2

Émulateurs du jour

PPSSPP 1.3 - 224

Remove the ability to turn off prescaleUV entirely. It's simply better to do it in the vertex decoder.
Only support decoding UV to float in vertex formats. Supporting u8 and 16 was more complexity than it's worth.
Remove more now-unused code
Merge: 80af358 0fa2f2c Merge pull request #9176 from hrydgard/always-prescale-uv Always prescale uv ("texcoord speedhack")
SasAudio: Straightforward implementation of linear interpolation. Not sure about the performance impact, but calling ReadSamples with 1 as an argument can't be terribly fast. So this might need some redesign before merge, but should be a good starting point.
Optimization step 1: Separate the loops, save history from buffer.
Add parallel resampling algorithm that reads directly from the temp buf
Fix bug. Now use the quick inner loop, just need to redo the sample reader...
Remove the verification.
Just figure out how many samples to read, then read it, instead of one-by-one.
Replace for-loop with multiplication
Replace while loop with division (technically a right shift).
Merge: e9bea75 1e09595 Merge pull request #8950 from hrydgard/audio-linear-interpolation WIP: SasAudio: Implement linear interpolation

Dolphin 5.0 - 1514

DolphinWX: Add 'DisableTooltips' config option (R2) (PR #4501 de flibitijibibo)
JitArm64: Add missing override specifiers (PR #4534 de lioncash)
Add TGC disc image compatibility (PR #4521 de JosJuice)
Jit64/JitIL: Get rid of trivial global jit variable usages (PR #4533 de lioncash)

mGBA 0.6.x

* Qt: Fix Apply button for key and controller configurations


* GB: Properly initialize sramRealVf variable

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins





* [Android] Add Missing
* [Android] Start to use project64 language functionality
* [Android] Write back instead of unmap more registers
* [Project64] Reset rom browser on debug language
* [Android] Watch for uninstall
* [Android] Add Game run settings
* [Glide64] Clean up code related to shader programs


Plugins Vidéos



* Merge branch 'master' of
* Correct F3DEX2MM_Branch_W
* Rename parameter in gSPBranchLessW
* Remove branchLessZ flag from MicrocodeInfo. Remove F3DEX2MM from specialMicrocodes list.
* Implement ucode for Majora's Mask


* Merge pull request #30 from LegendOfDragoon/master
Improve Blending
* Add more cases for blending. This really improves games like Vigilante 8
* Fix Regression in Star Wars Ep 1 Racer
* Add more blend modes




Plugins Audios

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Mise à jour : 22 décembre
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Afin de vous apportez le meilleur confort, j'ai mis en place un questionnaire à commentaire, il ne contient qu'une question, mais ceci me permettra d'avoir vos idées sur mon travail, dans cette unique case à commentaire, vous y mettez tout ce que vous souhaitez


voir - avoir - à corrigé - à amélioré - etc...


En bref vous dites ce que vous voulez, même des remerciements :p


Ce lien est sécurisé en HTTPS, les réponses sont anonymes et invisibles des autres membres.


Le but de ce questionnaire est de minimisé les topics hors sujet, les questions divers et variés.

Émulateurs du jour

PCSX2 1.5.0 - 1738


vif: reorganize dVifUnpack Inline the execution part Add a num parameter to dVifsetVUptr Use a local variable for the nVifBlock instead of a global struct state The goal is to ease future update of the nVifBlock struct
vif: handle the special case 0 in the compilation stage (rather than lookup)
vif: repack nVifBlock struct cl/wl can fit in a single byte. Add a 2B length field instead. It will contains the pre computed length to reduce dVifsetVUptr overhead
vif: increase buckets number to 64K It allow to compare only 8B in the lookup so SSE could be replaced with general instruction As a bonus, it allow to compute the hash key with a mov rather than modulo (which was an 'and')
vif: replace sse cmp code with standard cmp Standard instruction are faster to execute besides the CPU can optimize the cmp/jne SSE e0:add ecx,0x10 e3:cmp eax,0x7 e6:jg1b0 <void dVifUnpack<0>(unsigned char const*, bool)+0x1b0> enter_loop: ec:vpcmpeqd xmm0,xmm1,XMMWORD PTR [ecx] f0:vmovmskps eax,xmm0 f4:cmp eax,0x7 f7:jne e0 <void dVifUnpack<0>(unsigned char const*, bool)+0xe0> Standard cmp d8:add eax,0x10 db:mov esi,DWORD PTR [eax+0xc] de:test esi,esi e0:je190 <void dVifUnpack<0>(unsigned char const*, bool)+0x190> enter_loop: e6:cmp ecx,DWORD PTR [eax+0x4] e9:jne d8 <void dVifUnpack<0>(unsigned char const*, bool)+0xd8> eb:cmp DWORD PTR [eax+0x8],ebx ee:jne d8 <void dVifUnpack<0>(unsigned char const*, bool)+0xd8> v2: use reference instead of a pointer for find parameter
vif: compute the length during the compilation stage
vif: inline dVifsetVUptr function It avoid a double cmp/jmp on the dynarec/interpreter mode.
vif: move back the cache seach in the unpack function Avoid the various move to return the value (actually due to the pointer)
vif: use u32 code instead of u8/u16 It avoids memory stalls and greatly reduces the overhead of the dVifUnpack function Here a vtune summary of this branch (done on SotC init) dVifUnpack<1> was 14.5% of effective VU thread time dVifUnpack<1> is now 3.8% of effective VU thread time I hope it will translate to better fps
vif: update alignment constraint 16B alignment is now useless for nVifBlock (no more SSE) However update the alignment of bucket to 64B. It will reduce cache miss probability in the find loop
Merge: 5a63a62 58e4076 Merge pull request #1706 from PCSX2/greg/vif-hash Greg/vif hash
GSDX: Cleanup warnings on MSVC (#1694) Explicitly cast some bitfields/local loop variables to uint8 as these functions have uint8 as the parameter datatype.

PPSSPP 1.3 - 237

Fix bug when showing shader IDs in the shader viewer
ios/ : Add a comment about a future optimization
Centralize DoBlockTransfer between the GPUs. Required adding a pointer to the framebuffer manager and texture cache in GPUCommon, which took a little bit of refactoring.
Update glslang submodule
Centralize "Resized()"
Merge: c96bc7b c35f6c1 Merge pull request #9180 from hrydgard/glew_fix cmake: Fix system GLEW usage
Centralize "PerformMemory*" functions
Centralize PerformStencil* and Invalidate* functions
Centralize a few more functions, fix DX9
Centralize ProcessEvent
Merge: 47ee86e dc5c0c0 Merge pull request #9179 from hrydgard/more-gpu-centralization More gpu centralization
Minor cleanup in thin3d

Dolphin 5.0 - 1519

DSPTables: Amend table formatting (PR #4536 de lioncash)


DSPTables: Move interpreter specifics into DSPInterpreter (PR #4538 de lioncash)

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins



Plugins Vidéos

* Merge branch 'master' of
* Use F3D_TRIX instead of F3D_Tri4.
Fixed #1307
* UI: Bloom sliders converted to grid and word wrap added to labels
* Remove ucode F3DSWE.
Rename ucode F3DWRUS to F3DBETA and use it for both Wave Race (U) and
Star Wars Shadows of Empire




Plugins Audios

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Mise à jour : 23 décembre
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z64 passe en Directx9 en plus de son origine OpenGL
Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5.0 - 1739


GameDB: Adding Hugo: Magic in the Trollwoods

Dolphin 5.0 - 1528

DSP: Move interpreter source files to their own directory (PR #4539 de lioncash)
Silences an error during compilation due to an unused (but set) variable (PR #4541 de Krakn)
TextureCacheBase: Eliminate static state (PR #4224 de lioncash)
DSP: Move DSPEmitter into the Jit subdirectory (PR #4540 de lioncash)

mGBA 0.6.x
Project64 2.3.x + Plugins




Plugins Vidéos







* support manipulations with hstart register
based on GLideN64
fixed: menu transitions in Top Gear Overdrive
fixed: Resident Evil 2 VI issues
* fix debug build
* more accurate VI width/height calculation based on angrylion's plugin
fixes flickering in 40Winks and Star Wars EP1 Racer
* fix VI scaling issues
affected games: 40 Winks, Star Wars EP1 Racer

Plugins Audios

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Mise à jour : 24-25-26 décembre
[url=-à-jour-les-émulateurs-en-développements/?p=889963]revenir à la première page[/url]
Information importante

Mère noel vous apportez beaucoup de cadeaux ?

Cette mise à jour fut tardive, pour beaucoup de raisons


nouvelle version de romstation

la disparition de la section " ressources ", m'obligeant à revoir mon organisation ( en attendant sa revenu )

certaines mises à jour d'émulateurs qui m'ont contraints à remodelé mon programme d'installation.

Le principal c'est qu'elle soit là :)

Émulateurs du jour

PCSX2 1.5.0 - .


Gif MFIFO: Slight Optimisation for GIF MFIFO heavily used area. Hopefully this translates well to slower systems :) Tekken Tag: Before: 79-81fps After: 82-84fps Front Mission 4 intro (as it pans over the roofs) Before: 158-159fps After: 165-166fps

PPSSPP 1.3 - .


crosslink database & product id database
Merge: d43b3ef bb97354 Merge pull request #9182 from adenovan/crosslinks crosslink database & product id database
Fix bug in word wrapper
Update dx9sdk submodule (moved some dx11 headers out of the way)
Thin3D: Unified DataFormat enum
Extract RasterState from thin3d, for easier d3d11 porting
Rename SetTextures to BindTextures
Remove blend and sampler state presets, they didn't save any code
Basic D3D11 context setup code
Buildfix for Qt
Merge: 92db2b0 9a29626 Merge pull request #9184 from hrydgard/d3d11-groundwork Some preparations for D3D11

Dolphin 5.0 - 868 + 734


CommandProcessor: Remove unimplemented prototypes (PR #4547 de lioncash)
Stop Movie/Netplay before triggering STM shutdown (PR #4545 de leoetlino)
Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
VideoCommon: use u32 for texture addresses (PR #4556 de Tilka)
    Fix evdev threading (PR #4493 de Tilka)
    Fix outdated comments in ScanDirectoryTree (PR #4557 de JosJuice)
Mark strings added by PR #4461 for translation (PR #4552 de JosJuice)
    VolumeDirectory: Make m_totalNameSize a local variable (PR #4559 de JosJuice)
    Fix player name not being loaded when using "Host with Netplay..." (PR #4555 de JosJuice)
Common: Replace deprecated readdir_r with readdir (PR #4550 de linkmauve)
    Game INI updates (PR #4549 de JosJuice)
    Movie: Replace incorrect name and comment for numControllers (PR #4551 de JosJuice)
VolumeDirectory: Sort the FST (PR #4558 de JosJuice)
    Linted markdown for the README (PR #4561 de rogersachan)
    Remove dead code to set the path to the macOS SDK. (PR #4504 de grp)
    evdev: reduce startup time (PR #4562 de Tilka)
    DSPEmitter: Get rid of an unused member variable (PR #4563 de lioncash)
VolumeDirectory: Don't use references inappropriately (PR #4564 de JosJuice)
DSPHLE: Seperate HLE construction and initialization. (PR #4565 de degasus)

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - .


-Merge latest master changes.
-Fixed some issues reported in the forum.




 mGBA 0.6.x


* GBA SIO: Convert GBP to mTiming
* All: Remove out-of-date function declarations
* Res: Update patron list
* GB Audio: Reoptimize channel 4
* GB: Restore savestates
* GBA: Restore savestates
* GBA DMA: Remove `hasStarted` flag
* GBA DMA: Move DMAs to using absolute timing
* Core: Implement deterministic event ordering
* GBA DMA: Refactor DMA out of memory.c
* GBA Memory: Fix DMA timing
* GBA SIO: Convert to mTiming
* GB: Convert EI to mTiming
* GB Memory: Fix HDMAs
* Core: Use an in-place linked list for timing instead of a vector
* GBA Memory: Optimize DMA
* Core: Invert schedule queue direction to avoid excess memmove
* Core: A few micro-optimizations
* Core: Remove unnecessary pointer operation in timing
* GBA Audio: Convert audio sampling to mTiming
* GB Audio: Convert audio to mTiming
* GBA Video: Convert video to mTiming
* GBA Memory: Convert DMAs to mTiming
* GB, GBA: Properly handle late cycles this time
* Core: Manage next event internally to mTiming
* GBA: Convert timers to mTiming
* Core: Scheduling should be relative to current cycles
* GB Video: Convert to mTiming
* GB: Convert SIO events to mTiming
* GB: Convert memory events to mTiming
* Core, GB: Start new timing interface
* GB Audio: Fix performance regression

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins





* Merge pull request #1236 from Enker/patch-1
[RDB] Fix Kirby 64 save size
* [RDB] Fix Kirby 64 save size



Time is come to set new Release tag to master branch. 20 months passed since the first major public release. List of improvements made since that time is huge. Thus this new release gets new major version. Some statistics: since previous public release
* 690 commits to master
* closed over 450 various issues

Fixes in combiner, blender, texture loading, frame buffer emulation eliminated graphics issues, which plagued N64 emulation since the beginning and until recently required use of software rendering for correct emulation. Of course, hundreds of GLideN64 own bugs was squashed on the way. Detailed information about new features of this release can be found in my New Public Release articles.

Public release 1.0 took 8 month of my hard full-time work. It became possible as result of successful crowd-funding campaign on Indiegogo.

Now I 'm working on the project as on my hobby, in my spare time. New major release took 20 months. It could take much more, but now I am not working alone. The project currently has 28 contributors.
My special thanks to:
purplemarshmallow: frame buffer emulation improvments, general fixes
Francisco Zurita aka fzurita: support of Android port, GLES fixes, general fixes
Logan McNaughton aka loganmc10: support of Raspberry Pi port, general fixes
Ryan Rosser aka Aquatakat: GUI design
matthewharvey: code cleanup and optimization
Gilles Siberlin aka Gillou68310: ucode decoding, general fixes
AmbientMalice: ini cleanup
Very special thanks to Sergey Povalihin aka angrylion for explanations of various aspects of RDP work. His advices helped me to fix many tricky issues.

Also, my thanks to all users of Your bug reports and feedback greatly help us to improve quality of the program.

Speaking of quality: we still have over 200 open issues. Not all of them are bug reports. Feature requests and suggestions are in that list too. Nevertheless, list of known issues is still large. There are games, which are not supported at all. The work will continue.

Internalization: at this moment only two translations are up to date:
Spanish, thanks to Víctor "IlDucci"
French, thanks to baptiste0602

Other translation files built from translations for previous release, so lots of text left untranslated.







* emulate VI scaling effects
used in Rogue Squadron, JFG, ...

Mesen 0.6.1

N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez aussi télécharger la mise à jour depuis l'émulateur, il vous annoncera automatiquement une nouvelle version


Cette version est un béta - les sauvegardes d'état, vidéos, etc. créés dans cette version pourraient ne pas être compatibles avec les versions ultérieures de Mesen.

Nouvelles fonctionalités

Linux : Mesen peut maintenant rouler sous Linux (en utilisant Mono et SDL2). Le support Linux est encore en développement et certains bugs peuvent exister.
Interface : Mesen est maintenant disponible en portugais (traduction par ThallesAps)
Problèmes corrigés

Audio : Amélioration de la précision de l'émulation des canaux Square et correction d'un bug de mixage de son introduit dans la version 0.6.0.
Autres : Correction de problèmes avec les controlleurs DirectInput et avec le débogueur
Overclocking : Correction de problèmes avec l'overclocking pour certains jeux utilisant le canal DMC.

Plugins Audios

Plugins Vidéos
GlideN64 2.0

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Mise à jour : 24-25-26 décembre

Information importante

Mère noel vous apportez beaucoup de cadeaux ?

Cette mise à jour fut tardive, pour beaucoup de raisons


nouvelle version de romstation

la disparition de la section " ressources ", m'obligeant à revoir mon organisation ( en attendant sa revenu )

certaines mises à jour d'émulateurs qui m'ont contraints à remodelé mon programme d'installation.

Le principal c'est qu'elle soit là :)


Edit :

Suite à des problèmes dû à ce nouveau système de boite à texte, je suis contrains de mettre le stricte minimum en attendant que je trouve une solution.


Émulateurs du jour

PCSX2 1.5.0 - 1740

PPSSPP 1.3 - 248

Dolphin 5.0 - 1569

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - 734 + 868

mGBA 0.6.x

Mesen 0.6.1

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins

new.gifEmulateur + Gliden64 + Z64

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Mise à jour : 27 décembre
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Information importante

Higan étant disponible actuellement dans les 2 OS ( x86 et x64 ), je dois revoir mon travail pour optimiser l'installateur et cela me prendre beaucoup de temps pour éviter toutes fausses manipulations, il ne sera pas disponible pour aujourd'hui, dès qu'il le sera, vous le verrez à nouveau ;)

Cependant le dossier Zip à installer sois même reste quand à lui disponible.

Émulateurs du jour

PCSX2 1.5 - 1744
PPSSPP 1.3 - 275
Dolphin 5.0 - 1589
mGBA 0.6.x

Higan 1.0.1 - 25

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Petite mise à jour du Topic :

Suppressions de certains textes inutiles

Suppressions des images d'émulateurs indisponibles pour le moment ( afin d'éviter de perturber les utilisateurs )

Ajout des liens directes de téléchargements au images comme c'était initialiser au début.

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Mise à jour : 28 décembre

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Retour du changelog :)

Émulateurs du jour

Dolphin 5.0 - 1595


DSPTables: Move function type aliases into DSPOPCTemplate (PR #4576 de lioncash)

ControllerEmu: Fix LoadDefaults to use ciface argument (PR #4578 de ligfx)

TextureCache: Add a dirty bit for partial updates on overlapping EFB copies. (PR #4568 de degasus)

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins





* Merge branch 'master' of
* Merge pull request #1238 from Enker/patch-1
[RDB] Fix freeze in Wonder Project J2
* [RDB] Fix freeze in Wonder Project J2
* [Glide64] Start to clean up OGLEScombiner.cpp
* [Glide64] Clean up combiner

Plugins Vidéos










Plugins Audios

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Mise à jour Bis

Information importantes 

Avec quelques heures, j'ai enfin réussi à faire le setup pour Higan ça était compliqué, car j'ai voulu faire par défaut de mon précédent setup, mais je me suis rendu compte que durant sa mise en place j'ai déréglé les chemins d'installations, de ce fait certains fichiers s'installer pas au bon endroit, j'ai du recommencer presque à zéro.

cette fois si il est 100% fonctionnel.

Higan 101 - 25

Suppression des shaders dans le dossier d'installation pour être téléchargeable à part.

déplacer le dossier " Video Shaders " directement dans le dossier higan

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Mise à jour : 29 décembre

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Information importante

Émulateurs du jour

PPSSPP 1.3 - 276

Fix bug causing stack overflow in SasAudio, #9190. Move the mixbuffer off the stack for easier-to-diagnose error (this trashed the info I needed to debug pretty badly...)

Dolphin 5.0 - 1598

DSP: Namespace the interpreter and JIT (PR #4579 de lioncash)

mGBA 0.6.x

* Libretro: Fix disabling BIOS
* Revert "GBA Video: Fix out-of-order OBJWIN"
This reverts commit f34f45257a6c52ea2e96e8ba75e8f7bfe8d5e245.
* 3DS: Fix build
* GUI: Fix build
* GBA I/O: Set JOYSTAT TRANS flag when writing JOY_TRANS registers
* GBA I/O: Clear JOYSTAT RECV flag when reading JOY_RECV registers
* All: Include cleanup
* GBA SIO: Add some basic JOY bus constants
* Util: Add ifndef guard for UNUSED define
* All: Add C++ header guards

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Mise à jour : 30 décembre

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Émulateurs du jour

PPSSPP 1.3 - 280


 Update glslang (see #9178)
Fix scePowerSetClockFrequency
Fix #9196 - bug with new audio interpolation when delay was bigger than grainsize.
Merge: baf01ab 9aeb8c6 Merge pull request #9195 from sum2012/power-minor Fix scePowerSetClockFrequency

Dolphin 5.0 - 1605


DSPAnalyzer: Fix two clang warnings about sign mismatched types (PR #4580 de lioncash)
VideoCommon: Don't process the depth range in the vertex shader if it's not oversized. (PR #4471 de Armada651)

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Mise à jour : 31 décembre

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Information importante


6 mois ont déjà passé depuis que j'ai pris l'initiative et l'intérêt de faire ce topic, fiu que le temps passe vite,


Malgré que certains membres s'amuse à dénigré mon travail


le peu d'encouragement que je reçois, mais c'est justement ce petit peu qui me motive à continuer pour une demi année de plus, qui sais ce que deviendra ce topic dans un an.


Dans tout les cas je vous souhaite par avance :


Une excellent année 2017, pleine des meilleurs surprises que la vie peut donner

une meilleur santé que cette année


Et bien sûr tout ce que je peux vous souhaitez de bien :)

Émulateurs du jour


PCSX2 1.5 - 1746

GSDX: CLUT temp old regression fix for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games, until somebody who knows what they are doing fixes it properly :p

i10n: refresh translated based on latest string change


Dolphin 5.0 - 1609

Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex

Fixes WiiSave import (PR #4519 de sepalani)

mGBA 0.5.2 + 0.6.x


mGBA passe officiellement en 0.5.2, profiter enfin d'une nouvelle jeunesse :)



All: Fix fullscreen config option being ignored
ARM7: PSR mode bits should not get sign extended
GB: Fix audio not being deinitialized
GB: Fix crash when masking savedata
GB: Properly initialize sramRealVf variable
GB Audio: Fix serialization of channel 3 and NR52 properties
GB Audio: Reset envelope timer when reseting sound channel
GB MBC: Fix SRAM dangling pointer with RTC games
GB MBC: Fix initializing MBC when no ROM is loaded
GB Memory: Fix patching ROM bank 0
GB Memory: Fix starting HDMAs during mode 0
GB Memory: Fix HDMA5 value after DMA completes
GB Video: Initialize LCDC in renderer
GB Video: Hblank IRQs should mask LYC=LY IRQs
GBA: Fix IRQs firing after already being cleared
GBA: Only unhalt CPU if appropriate bit is set in IE
GBA: Add savegame override for Crash Bandicoot 2
GBA BIOS: Fix MidiKey2Freq BIOS reads
GBA BIOS: Fix invalid CpuSet not setting BIOS prefetch
GBA Cheats: Fix GameShark ROM patches
GBA I/O: Mask off WAITCNT bits that cannot be written
GBA Memory: Fix misaligned BIOS reads
GBA Memory: Fix VCOUNT being writable
GBA Video: Fix out of bounds sprite transforms
Libretro: Fix unterminated SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS
Libretro: Fix disabling BIOS
Libretro: Fix Game Boy savestates and audio
Qt: Fix changing resolution of software renderer
Qt: Fix setting overrides
Qt: Fix cut off tiles and alignment issues in tile viewer
Qt: Only reset window dimensions when first shown
Qt: Fix Qt Multimedia audio driver on big endian
Qt: Fix Apply button for key and controller configurations
VFS: Fix resizing memory chunks when not needed
Windows: Fix Unicode directory handling

GB, GBA: Prevent loading null ROMs
GB Audio: Initialize wave RAM to GBC values
GB Memory: Reset ROM bank when loading a ROM
PSP2: Improved controller rumble



* All: Update CHANGES for 0.5.2
* Windows: Fix VDir unitialized variable
* Windows: Fix build
* All: Migrate includes to separate directory
* Merge branch 'feature/python-bindings'
* Python: Make Python bindings depend on library
* Core: Update flags.h
* SDL: Update sdl-gles2.c
* All: Fix broken #ifdefs
* Python: Add slicing to memory operations
* Python: Make cartridge memory size cap properly
* Python: Add hook preventing functions that need resets from being called
* Python: Add NullLogger
* Python: Flags cleanup
* Core: Add flags.h generated file
* Python: Add memory access
* Python: Add key functions
* Python: Add more mCore functions
* Python: Much cleaner LR35902 access
* Python: Sprite access in GB core
* Python: Add support for 256-color sprites
* Python: Add GBA sprite accessors
* Python: Clean up Core interface so boards inherit Core
* Python: Reindent, fix up TileView interface
* Python: Add some tile manipulation
* Python: Fix Linux build
* Python: Add basic logging interface
* Python: Python 3 support
* Python: Add image and PNG-write bindings
* Python: VFS fixes
* Python: Add license headers
* All: Ignore *.pyc
* Python: Add VFS bindings
* Python: Basic
* Debugger: Fix build
* Python: More basic framework
* Python: More binding skeleton
* All: Unfortunate evils committed in the name of pycparser
* All: Remove duplicate functions
* Debugger: Fix included file
* Python: Preliminary, incomplete bindings

Mesen 0.7.0

N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez aussi télécharger la mise à jour depuis l'émulateur, il vous annoncera automatiquement une nouvelle version

Bonne année!

Cette version est un béta - les sauvegardes d'état, vidéos, etc. créés dans cette version pourraient ne pas être compatibles avec les versions ultérieures de Mesen.

Nouvelles fonctionalités

Vidéo : Ajout d'un nouveau filtre NTSC (basé sur le code de Bisqwit)

Vidéo : Nouvelle fonctionnalité permettant d'enregistrer des fichiers AVI

Problèmes corrigés

Vidéo : Correction de problèmes avec filtres 2xSai, Super2xSai et SuperEagle

Démarrage : Correction d'un crash qui pouvait survenir au démarrage lorsque le chemin contient un caractère non-ascii.

Linux : Correction d'un bug avec l'option "Permettre une seule copie de Mesen à la fois"

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Mise à jour : 1 Janvier 2017

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Je vous souhaites une excellente année 2017, pleins de bonnes choses, de bonnes nouvelles, et une excellente santé.

Émulateurs du jour


PCSX2 1.5 - 1749

cmake: don't use SSE2 suffix on file In debug build, SIMD is disabled, so it is dangerous (use wrong binary) to debug
gsdx sw: minor fix on the thread management * Upgrade the counter to signed 32 bits. 16 bits is too small to contains the 64K value. * Read ThreadProc/m_count when the mutex is locked * Use old value of the fetch instead to read back the new value
miss a ; I don't know what I compiled for my previous push !

PPSSPP 1.3 - 282 

Add report for scePowerSetBusClockFrequency
Merge: fc9599e d5a5d13 Merge pull request #9198 from sum2012/report Add report for scePowerSetBusClockFrequency

Dolphin 5.0 - 1615

Add an empty spacer in the Mic Input config dialog (PR #4587 de aldelaro5)
Add common Wii SDK function signatures to the signature DB (PR #4490 de leoetlino)

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - 737 + 877  




-Merge latest master changes.
-Fixed some issues reported in the forum



* Cleaned up video rendering code
* Commented out Wayland-related condition in video renderer
* Merge pull request #212 from SoapGentoo/cmake
Switch to CMake for build system
* Make codebase const-correct for C++
Avoids having to specify -Wno-write-strings in order to
silence warnings due to assigning string literals to 'char*'
* Fix compiling in C++14 mode
* Left shifting a negative signed is undefined behaviour
* Fix incorrect printf() specifiers found with -Wformat
* GTK Wayland needs to be handled conditionally
* Make build system fully CMake-based
* Rename changelog.txt to match
standard GNU Conventions


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Mise à jour : 2 janvier
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Mises à jour éventuelles : PCSX2 - PPSSPP

Émulateurs du jour
Dolphin 5.0 - 1637


    DSP: Namespace remaining un-namespaced DSP code (PR #4585 de lioncash)
    Jit64: Make register caches not rely on the global jit variable (PR #4535 de lioncash)
    Display warning when dumping audio if file exists (PR #4523 de RisingFog)
    macOS: Add missing includes to fix no-PCH build (PR #4590 de hthh)
    Add a hotkey for toggling texture dumps (PR #4495 de slashiee)
    Vulkan: Clear alpha channel to 0 when pixel format has no alpha channel (PR #4574 de stenzek)
    ISOProperties: Fix encoding errors in window title (PR #4588 de JosJuice)

mGBA 0.6.x  


ARM7: Fix MLA/*MULL/*MLAL timing

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Mise à jour : 3 janvier
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1756

 GSdx: Prevent FMV crash Fixes FMV crashing PCSX2 in The Simpsons: Road Rage.
Merge: 9d1b27c 048b657 Merge pull request #1735 from FlatOutPS2/W GSdx: Prevent FMV crash
Changed the GSBufferOGL interface from map and upload to map and unmap. This allows rendering directly into the OGL buffer instead of having to do copy at some point.
Added OSD Manager which depends on FreeType2. Added functions into GSDeviceOGL to render OSD and a point shader.
Added config page to linux setting dialog
Add an RGBA getter for ConsoleColors
Added callbacks for OSD Log and Monitor. Added wrappers in PCSX2 main for callbacks. Added some basic info calls (e.g. Saving loading FPS)

PPSSPP 1.3 - 283

 Remove accidental hard dependency on d3d11. when it works, we'll load it dynamically. Fixes #9204

Dolphin 5.0 - 1644

DSPJitRegCache: Make class variables conform to the coding style (PR #4591 de lioncash)

FifoPlayer: Loop playback consistency, save texture memory to file (PR #4598 de stenzek)


Project64 2.3.x + Plugins 





* [Glide64] Replace gl_Color with vFrontColor
* [Glide64] Replace gl_Color with vFrontColor
* [Glide64] Remove usage of gl_TexCoord in shaders
* [Project64] Initialize base system first
* [Project64] Flush Logs on exception and another exception case handled
* [Android] Fix uninstall link
* [Common] Get logs to track file size
* [Glide64] Fix compile bug
* [Glide64] More cleanup of global names
* Merge pull request #1240 from daarky/patch-2
Update German.pj.Lang
* Update German.pj.Lang
*Shortened some words to fit into Buttons, Labels etc...
*Added '&' to some texts for shortcut usage

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Mise à jour : 4 janvier
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1761


Merge: fce2814 f55f3b9 Merge pull request #1729 from np511/master Extend LTO support and remove warnings

Merge: ecd00d3 6c521c3 Merge pull request #1728 from ssakash/custom_regression GSDX-TextureCache: Fix corner cases on custom resolution scaling

Dolphin 5.0 - 1648


PatchEngine: Get rid of a global variable (PR #4604 de lioncash)

JitRegCache: Move FlushMode enum into RegCache (PR #4593 de lioncash)

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins 





* [Project64] Add Reduced Sync Mem option
* [Glide64] enable rotate setting on all systems
* [Glide] Fix some white space


Plugins Audios




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Mise à jour : 5 janvier
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Émulateurs du jour

Dolphin 5.0 - 1661

DSPDisassembler: directly initialize AssemblerSettings struct members (PR #4609 de lioncash)
OGL/Vulkan: Drop destination alpha pass. (PR #4577 de degasus)
DiscScrubber: Turn into a class (PR #3352 de lioncash)
IOFile: Minor changes (PR #4611 de lioncash)

mGBA 0.6.x  

GB: LR35902/GB-Z80 disassembler 

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins

Plugins Vidéos



* correct MarkTmemArea
* fix regression: "fb_info option doesn't work in ini #40 "
* move VI code to a branch



* Merge pull request #213 from SoapGentoo/cmake-fixes
Separate files from program-specific files (CMake)
* Separate files from program-specific files
* Some distributions prefer to separate files into these two categories
and require it as a matter of QA. DATADIR is used for program-specific
files, whereas should be relative to DATAROOTDIR
* Fix paths in .cpp files that were misspecified
* Install missing 'nespad.svg' file

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Mise à jour : 6 > 9
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Comme vous l'avez surement remarquer ce week end il n'y a pas eu de mises à jour, rassurez vous c'est normal, comme j'ai repris le boulot depuis mi-décembre, mes horaires de travail ont changés en janvier, de ce fait il n'y aura plus de mises à jour le week-end, heureusement rassurez vous elles seront disponible le lundi suivant :)

Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1775

GSDX: Pass total height of framebuffer on GetOutput() Some PSX games seem to store image data of the drawing results in an undeterminate area out of range from the current context buffer. At such cases, calculate the height of both the frame memory rectangles combined. What happens on "Crash bash" - * At first draw, scissoring is limited to SCAY0- 0 & SCAY1- 255 * At second draw, scissoring is limited to SCAY0- 255 & SCAY0-511 Previously, we limited the height to the value of one single output texture, so instead of that let's calculate the total height of both the two buffers combined to prevent such issues.
Merge: 98e8d93 f441efd Merge pull request #1709 from turtleli/cdvd-street-fighter-ex3 cdvd: Street Fighter EX3 (NTSC-J) black screen fix.
Merge: 80be9d9 09c7237 Merge pull request #1693 from ssakash/framebuff GSDX: Pass total height of framebuffer on GetOutput()
build: workaround to detect freetype on my Debian system I don't know if recent Cmake/Debian work better.
gsdx: Use separate mutex for waiting In the previous code, the worker thread would notify the MTGS thread while the mutex is still locked, which could cause the MTGS thread to wake up and immediately go back to sleep again since it can't lock the mutex. Use a separate mutex for waiting, which avoids the issue.
gsdx: Use lock instead of loop to terminate threads
gsdx: Don't use separate count variable It's only ever updated after the queue is updated, so its state will always lag slightly behind it. It's sufficient to just use empty(). This seems to fix some caching issues that were noticeable on Skylake CPUs (#998).
gsdx: Don't use atomic for exit variable All accesses are protected by locks, so there's no need for it to be atomic.
vifUnpack: Report the correct number of bytes It now reports 6904 bytes instead of just less than 4GB.
i10n: remove build file
onepad: don't load joyid_map from the ini Old option from the older GUI can cause issue. Close #1139
Revert "gsdx tc: always clear a new depth buffer" This reverts commit f77c1900faf2baa3ffd1ca538f3b444c743b2444. Conflicts: plugins/GSdx/GSTextureCache.cpp Another fix was done later for Jak cut scene (or FMV). One game got a regression (don't remember which)

Dolphin 5.0 - 1729

    Don't Use Abbreviation for "Memory Card" (PR #4612 de PEmu1)
Add missing new lines for OSD (PR #4608 de RisingFog)
    specify custom brace style to fix unions (PR #4606 de BhaaLseN)
    Clarify GameCube Controller in TAS Input (PR #4605 de PEmu1)
    InputConfigDiag: move function bodies out of header (PR #4589 de ligfx)
    Add debugger hotkeys (PR #4595 de aldelaro5)
    Change "Configure" to "Configuration" in Menu (PR #4619 de PEmu1)
    HLE: Align table formatting (PR #4616 de lioncash)
    DiscScrubber: Minor changes (PR #4613 de lioncash)
DSPJitRegCache: Make single argument constructor explicit (PR #4594 de lioncash)
OGL: Move blending logic in VideoCommon. (PR #4581 de degasus)
Don't use generic byteswapping on Android (PR #4620 de JosJuice)
    Automatic translation resources sync with Transifex
    IOS HLE: Refactor ExecuteCommand (PR #4607 de leoetlino)
IOS HLE: Remove unneeded code (PR #4625 de leoetlino)
    CodeBlock: Get rid of implicit sign-conversion in AllocCodeSpace (PR #4626 de lioncash)
    Add the g_ prefix to the jit global (PR #4624 de leoetlino)
    GeometryShaderGen: Use lower-left origin for point texture coordinates (PR #4599 de stenzek)
    Jit64Base: Const correctness for LogGeneratedX86 (PR #4628 de lioncash)
VideoSW: Fix GL ES shader. (PR #4622 de degasus)
Android: fix software renderer settings string (PR #4631 de Tilka)
    Add Silent Audio Dumping INI Option (PR #4633 de RisingFog)
    IOS HLE: Naming cleanup (PR #4627 de leoetlino)
CodeBlock: Const correctness for IsInSpace (PR #4635 de lioncash)
    IOS HLE: Minor changes to match IOS behaviour (PR #4634 de leoetlino)
    IOFile: Correct explicit operator bool semantics (PR #4636 de lioncash)

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - 879 


-Merge latest master changes.
-Fixed some issues reported in the forum.


* Removed static Makefile and updated build instructions
* Removed obsolete FBX palette and added Sony CXA2025AS in its stead

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Mise à jour : 10 janvier
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1779

Revert CLUT change, seems it causes more problems than it solves. Leaving the comment for future investigation
Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
Whoops, over zealous with removing things.
Merge: b02cc6e fcdc3a4 Merge pull request #1753 from josephgbr/master

PPSSPP 1.3 - 285 

Fix profiler build.Merge: 8bcb5f0 58af2b8 Merge pull request #9212 from LunaMoo/frame_profiler_buildfix Frame profiler buildfix.

Dolphin 5.0 - 1745

    IOS HLE: Replace is_hardware with a proper device type (PR #4638 de leoetlino)
    JitCache: Get rid of reliance on the JIT global variable (PR #4637 de lioncash)
Change "Refresh List" to "Refresh Game List" in Menu (PR #4630 de PEmu1)
    Android: fix software renderer 2nd edition (PR #4639 de Tilka)
Common: Move BreakPoints into Core (PR #4543 de lioncash)
TextureDecoder: Seperate each format into its own function (PR #4642 de stenzek)

mGBA 0.6.x  

Feature: Move game database from flatfile to SQLite3

Project64 2.3.x + Plugins  



Plugins Vidéos




* Merge branch 'refs/heads/cfb'
* 32 bit cfb support
* convert colors
* basic cfb support

Plugins Audios


Bsnes 0.73.3 - + Dev + xBRZ  


* Merge pull request #101 from ARM9/master
Fix cgram-viewer RGB display values
* Fix cgram-viewer RGB display values
Used to display color values shifted right by 3, now displays the correct
5-bit values.



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Mise à jour : 11 janvier
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1784

 GSdx OSD: Minor log improvements
GSdx OSD: Add Windows UI and new option Adds Windows UI and option to limit the amount of log messages on the screen at the same time/in the buffer.
GSdx: Minor update to GS Settings Dialog Update a few parts of the GS Shader dialog to reflect the improvements from the OSD dialog code.
gsdx:gtk: Update GUI Set slider ranges to 0-100, which matches what Windows uses. Add OSD maximum log messages option and tooltips.
i10n: Update pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) .mo files

Dolphin 5.0 - 1761

Attempt re-adding the missing AXWii DSP_SYNC (PR #4571 de degasus)
    Fix possible undefined reference when linking libusb from externals (PR #4641 de sephiroth99)
Android: Change Exit Without Saving to Save and Exit (PR #4643 de SeannyM)
Open less files when detecting/opening blobs (PR #4537 de JosJuice)
    IOS HLE: Make Device::Update() return void (PR #4644 de leoetlino)


mGBA 0.6.x  

 * GB Audio: Start implementing "zombie" audio (fixes #389)
* GB Video: Fix mode end events when turning off LCD
* GB MBC: Fix ROM bank overflows getting set to bank 0
* LR35902: Fix pc overflowing current region off-by-one
* Qt: Fix non-SQLITE build
* Qt: Fix non-SQLITE build
* Qt: Fix non-SQLITE build
* Qt: Load No-Intro DB on a thread

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Mise à jour : 12 décembre
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Émulateurs du jour
PCSX2 1.5 - 1791

gsdx: fix warning: variable ‘success’ might be clobbered by ‘longjmp’ or ‘vfork’ [-Wclobbered]
gsdx linux gui: compact the GUI for Nx768 display (seriously guy it is time to upgrade !) * move the post-processing frame into the OSD tab * Rename Global Settings to Renderer Settings * put monitor and indicator check box on the same line At least we have a similar number of options by tab
gsdx: hidden option disable_hw_gl_draw OMG, Zone of Ender got a speed boost from 11 fps to 45 fps Seriously, the goal is to allow benchmarking GSdx without too much overhead of the main renderer draw call Note: unlike the null renderer, texture/vertex uploading, 2D draw, texture conversions are still done.
gsdx tc: add a comment for a potential "ASM" optimization I'm not sure it worth it yet. But a generic function would be nice for future.
gsdx: try to ask GCC to generate not dumb code Unfortunately it requires at least GCC6. If a nice guy can check the generated code on GCC6. I don't know clang status. Here the only example, I have found on the web Current generated code in GSTextureCache::SourceMap::Add 38b3:bsf eax,esi 38b6:add esp,0x10 38b9:test esi,esi 38bb:jne 387e <GSTextureCache::SourceMap::Add(GSTextureCache::Source*, GIFRegTEX0 const&, GSOffset*)+0x6e> BSF already set the Z flag when input (esi) is 0. So it would be better to not put a silly add before the jump and to skip the test operation.
Translate Simple Chinese in .desktop file Add Simple Chinese translation in .desktop file Change "Playstation" to "PlayStation". (Official name)
Merge: 8cf3a83 f5e6c82 Merge pull request #1763 from guoyunhe/patch-1 Translate Simple Chinese in .desktop file

Dolphin 5.0 - 1777

BreakPoints: Minor changes (PR #4645 de lioncash)
HotkeyInputConfigDialog: Move UI creation into named functions (PR #4617 de lioncash)
IOS HLE: Minor simplifications (PR #4646 de leoetlino)
DolphinWX: Fix position of GameListCtrl tooltips on macOS (PR #4610 de ligfx)

Dolphin ichiiruka 5.0 - 883




-Merge latest master changes.
-Fixed some issues reported in the forum.

mGBA 0.6.x  

* No-Intro: Make sure to commit pending transactions
* No-Intro: Improve parsing performance
* VFS: Fix some minor VFile issues with FILEs

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Mise à jour : 13 janvier
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Émulateurs du jour

Dolphin 5.0 - 1823

    IOFile: Get rid of IOFile's ReleaseHandle function (PR #4648 de lioncash)
    Jit64: Use PPCSTATE reg if possible. (PR #4649 de degasus)
JitCache: Clean up block id handling. (PR #4647 de degasus)
    ConfigManager: Don't overwrite the SYSCONF country (PR #4446 de leoetlino)
    DiscIO: Add GetRegion function and Region enum (PR #4544 de JosJuice)
Remove pre-generated SYSCONF (PR #4621 de leoetlino)
    Don't use GetEmulatedTime in GCMemcard (PR #4420 de JosJuice)
    DolphinWX: pass wxMsgAlert to main thread on non-GTK too (PR #4499 de ligfx)
Support for RVT-R disc images (PR #4479 de GerbilSoft)
    SymbolDB: Multiple symbols detection allowed (PR #4299 de sepalani)
DolphinWX: Always keep panic alerts on top (PR #4640 de leoetlino)
    GameINI: NAC/NAR - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask VC - Set EFBToTextureEnable to False (PR #4508 de Ecksters)
GCMemcard: Const-correctness changes (PR #4652 de lioncash)
    Fix GCC build issue with Fedora (linux) (PR #4496 de Mystro256)

Bsnes 0.73.3 - + Dev + xBRZ 


* bsx: only map if register values actually change
(fixes Treasure Conflix and who knows what else)



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